EP 690-2- 1 You The Corps and The Future Employment Options Upon Reorganization | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals

EP 690-2- 1 You The Corps and The Future Employment Options Upon Reorganization

The Evaluator - Army Evaluation & Counseling Guide

Forward: The reorganization of the Corps of Engineers is creating some uncertainty about the future for many of our Corps members.  We have prepared this handbook to help you understand your employment options and entitlements if your ob is affected by the Corps reorganization.

I hope you will want to remain with the Corps, and this handbook explains what we will do to keep you part of the Corps team including our command wide out placement program, reimbursement for moving expenses, and retraining.  It also discusses programs to keep you employed — in the Department of Defense, elsewhere in government, or in the private sector –if continued employment in the Corps is not possible.  Finally, this handbook contains information about other personnel programs and benefits such as grade and pay retention, early retirement, and continued benefits.

Of course, no publication can answer every question.  Much of what you want to know will depend on your individual resources office.  If you have other questions about the reorganization, call the Corps Reorganization Program Office hotline.

I hope this handbook serves as a good source of general information and helps you ask the right questions to determine your role in the Corps of the future.


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