EP 1110-1-19 A Guide to Preparing and Reviewing Remedial Action Reports of Cost and Performance | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals

EP 1110-1-19 A Guide to Preparing and Reviewing Remedial Action Reports of Cost and Performance

Wear it Right! Army Uniform Guide

a. This pamphlet defines the procedures for formally documenting and reporting cost and performance information from U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) environmental restoration1 projects and provides guidance to the project team for scoping the types of data to collect and how they are presented. Customers must have complete, accurate, and timely information for proper operation and maintenance, as a baseline for system modifications and optimization, and to document information that may be used in conjunction with a long-term response action or recurring review. This information will also address information to plan and tailor their site completion and individual operable units (OUs) for site closeout.

b. This pamphlet, or guide, provides a current reference for preparing and reviewing remedial action (RA) reports at the completion of remedial action at a waste site operable unit. The goals of this guide include improving the consistency and completeness of RA reports while ensuring that key observations and lessons learned during remedy implementation, including cost and performance data, are adequately documented. Specifically, this guide is intended to ensure that sufficiently detailed RA cost data is furnished for input into the Historical Cost Analysis System (HCAS) which requires the use of the Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste (HTRW) RA work breakdown structure (WBS).

c. This guide is intended to assist in the preparation, review, or use of RA reports for environmental restoration projects by cost engineers, environmental engineers, resident construction managers, project managers, remedial project managers (RPMs), program managers, and other related technical disciplines.


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