Adjutant General School Administer Suspension of Favorable Personnel Actions | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Adjutant General School Administer Suspension of Favorable Personnel Actions

The Evaluator - Army Evaluation & Counseling Guide

Class for teaching how to Administer Suspension of Favorable Personnel Actions (FLAG) with additional notes for the instructor.  The class list the following Action, Conditions and Standards:

Action: Administer Suspension of Favorable Personnel Actions (FLAG)

Conditions:  In a classroom environment, given AR 600-8-2, DA Form 268, and awareness of Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors.

Standards:  The student will have met the standards when they fully understand the processing and procedures for flagging actions listed below:

  • Communicate general policy and impact of flagging actions
  • Determine effective dates of flagging actions
  • Process initiation and removal of flags
  • Manage flagging actions at all levels

NOTES: This document is in MS PowerPoint :  Before presenting this lesson, instructors should thoroughly prepare by studying this lesson and identified reference material : Also some references listed in this Class might have been superseded and/or updated, which can be easily done using the DA PAM 25-30 web page or downloaded and installed program for checking current and superseded DOD publications (For example purposes only: FM 3-0 was superseded by ADP 3-0, on 10 October 2011)


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