ATTP 3-39.20 is the manual for police intelligence operations doctrine. It aligns with FM 3-39, and other Army and joint doctrine. Simultaneous operations that combine offensive, defensive, and stability or civil support operations are emphasized. PIO is a military police function that supports the operations process and protection activities by providing exceptional police information and intelligence to enhance situational understanding, protection of the force, and homeland security. It emphasizes that PIO supports, enhances, and contributes to the commander’s protection program and situational understanding by analyzing, integrating, and portraying relevant criminal threat and police information and intelligence that may affect the operational environment.
NOTES: Some references listed in this doc might have been superseded and/or updated and should be checked for accuracy, which can be easily done using the DA PAM 25-30 web page or downloaded and installed program for checking current and superseded DOD publications (For example purposes only: FM 3-0 was superseded by ADP 3-0, on 10 October 2011) : This document is in PDF format