Security Manager’s Standard Operating Procedures | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Security Manager’s Standard Operating Procedures

The Evaluator - Army Evaluation & Counseling Guide

This SOP was published to provide guidance for Brigade unit Security Managers to follow in establishing and maintaining an effective security program.  It provides a handy resource document to guide Security Managers and Commanders.  This SOP is to be used in conjunction with appropriate regulations and supplements.  While written to assist Security Managers, it is not to be used in lieu of any other Army Regulation or Supplement.  Security Managers are not expected to memorize or retain large volumes of information contained in the numerous security regulations and documents.  Security Managers need to familiarize themselves with which documents contain the information they may require on a particular subject and where it can be found in the document.  Security references should be collectively maintained by Security Managers and in sections that continually handle classified material.


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