U.S. Army Quartermaster Center And School Logistics Training Department Supply Training Handbook | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals

U.S. Army Quartermaster Center And School Logistics Training Department Supply Training Handbook

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This Supply Training Handbook will introduce and describe the most important codes applicable to Army units and Supply Support Activities. It will also depict some of the most basic forms associated with Army supply. It is meant to assist Army supply personnel, both military and civilians, at the Corps level and below. Coded data and the Military Standard Requisitioning and Issue Procedures (MILSTRIP): A great deal of supply information is described in coded form. Many of these codes were introduced along with MILSTRIP decades ago and were designed to work in conjunction with an 80-column punch card. While punch cards are no longer used, the limit of a total of 80 different record positions (rp’s) remains. In other words, supply files transmitted via electronic means can occupy no more than 80 spaces.

NOTE: This document is in MS Word format


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