Tag medical | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals


Here is a list of everything we have published about medical

Who can stop my leader from abusing me and ignoring my medical profile?

I'm currently going through a medboard. I am not eliglible for WTU because of time remaining in service (I am on 90 day extensions). I was supposed to ETS in November 2011. Is there anything that protects the Soldier from neglect and undue harassment from chain of command? Example: I had a back procedure and was told to come back to work before the rest period ended. I have had a car accident due to my medication and my chain of command is violating my profile. It has already caused a fracture in my neck and broken ribs... Read the Answer»

Physician Assistant Recuriting Class/Briefing

Class/briefing for recruiters or possible candidates to teach the Army Physician Assistant Program.  It covers benefits, load repayment options, bonuses options and incentives. The Armies mission for this program is to ensure Soldier readiness and force sustainment through leadership, training, …Read More

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Medical Treatment of Enemy POW Class/Briefing

Class/briefing that covers the medical treatment authorized for a Enemy POW. NOTE: This document is in MS PowerPoint

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Visit MentorMilitary.com
Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide

MEDEVAC For Medical Staff Class/Briefing

Class / briefing that contains 12 Slides:  topics include: reference, load options, MEDEVAC vs CASAVAC, interventions, limitations, physical limitations, total transfer time. NOTE: This document is in MS PowerPoint

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Military Police Company SOP – Medical Section

This SOP establishes policies and procedures for the Military Police Company’s Medical section. This SOP applies to the Medical section and any Platoon, Section, or Individual Soldier that requires services and are assigned to the Military Police Company. It’s purpose …Read More

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Medical Laboratory SOP

This SOP establishes policies and procedures for the general set up and maintenance of an effective Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) and Performance Improvement (PI) Program for YOUR HOSPITAL NAME and Point of Care Testing sites. This SOP provides CQI measures, …Read More

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The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership
Battlefield Deception Guide - From Alexander the Great to Norman Schwarzkopf

Medical Brigade Field SOP

The Medical Brigade Mission is to be one team that rapidly deploys a task organized, integrated medical force providing quality combat health support and augment the theater health services mission as directed by Corps. Brigade METL w/Battle Tasks: Rapidly deploy a …Read More

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Battalion Aid Station Mass-Casualty SOP

This incident plan for Battalion Aid Station (BAS), has been developed in order to respond to massive incidents involving multiple casualties.  Mass casualties occur when the numbers of patients overwhelm the local medical resources in place.  Examples of these incidents …Read More

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Combat Support Hospital SOP

This is a Combat Support Hospital Tactical Standing Operating Procedure (TACSOP). It is published to prescribe procedures in the conduct of tactical operations for all assigned or attached personnel. The TACSOP is designed to facilitate adaptability to any theater in …Read More

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Aviation Medicine Program SOP

This SOP summarizes and explains the unit commanders Aviation Medicine program and delineates the responsibilities of personnel within the program.  This SOP applies to all unit personnel on flight status, and those who provide support to these personnel.  This SOP …Read More

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