ST Augustine TDS Presentation | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

ST Augustine TDS Presentation

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Mark Gerecht presents on Army counseling procedures and best practices to US National Guard trial defense lawyers

Mark fields questions after completing his presentation.

Mark and I just returned from a trip to sunny ST Augustine Florida where he presented to a classroom of National Guard trial defense attorneys. The topic of the presentation was counseling. Specifically, TDS is interested in proper counseling procedures and common mistakes. After a detailed review of DA Form 4856 (developmental counseling form), Mark shared some of the murky situations he has encountered to highlight his main points.

The presentation also touched on the evaluation system as it relates to counseling. Of particular interest to the assembled Soliders, Mark shared an excerpt from DA Memo 600-1

“A [evaluation] report is considered unjust when it reflects unfair, improper bias, or does not account for contributory or mitigating circumstance over which the rated individual had little or no control.”

In the gray world of counseling and evaluations, this excerpt is a strong weapon for Soldiers who are working on an appeal. Mark stressed that he was “not trying to provide information that would help a substandard performer.” It is the job of the National Guard TDS to represent and help Soldiers who find themselves facing inappropriate or unfair circumstances.

The slides from this (roughly one-hour) presentation are available by clicked the link below and downloading the attachment.

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Mark is a Retired Command Sergeant Major with 26 years of military leadership experience. He held 3 military occupational specialties (Field Artillery, Nuclear Weapons Tech, and Ammunition Ordnance). Mark is one of the leading military authors in the fields of leadership, counseling, and training.

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Disclaimer: Though all content posted on is reviewed by our qualified subject matter experts, you should not make decisions based solely on the information contained in this post. Use information from multiple sources when making important professional decisions. This is not an official government website.




    That was a funny observation I had to look closely, those two guys on the far left need to be HW/Tape though.

  • shawn


    might want to remove this pic. looks like a maj grabbing a female Soldiers arm and making her “touch him”

    • Preston


      That’s a funny observation. If you look closely, it’s clear that he just has his arms crossed. Besides, it wouldn’t be wise to grab on to a JAG officer like that. Thanks for the tip though!

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