FT Carson Visit | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals

FT Carson Visit

Wear it Right! Army Uniform Tool

I had an opportunity to visit Fort Carson, Colorado last week where I spent time with Soldiers of HHC, 4th STB, 4th BCT including a meeting with AskTOP Subject Matter Expert SFC Mackie Ocampo. I also visited the 60th Ordnance Company.

I served as platoon sergeant and later first sergeant at the 60th while we were stationed in Friedberg Germany operating the second largest ammunition storage site outside the United States. I left the 60th Ordnance Company in October of 1995 as 1SG. At that time, the Soldiers and Leaders of the unit presented me with a unit guidon. I hung the guidon proudly in all of my offices throughout the remainder of my career.

Mark Gerecht presents a guidon to the leadership team of 60th ORD at Fort Carson

Mark presents a guidon to 60th ORD command team

Space for my I Love Me Wall has dwindled since I retired. The 60th has always held a special place in my heart. It didn’t feel right to pack the guidon away in a box, so I decided to give it back to the unit for ceremonial use.

When I walked into the unit, I saw the unit motto “Wolf Pack” on the wall. That brought back memories… I encouraged the unit to choose a motto as none existed at the time within the 60th and overwhelmingly they chose “Wolf Pack”. Funny how tradition carries on.

I spent some time with a group of Soldiers at the 60th. This gave me an opportunity to interact with a great group of Soldiers and leaders. As I stared into their faces I saw the next group of leaders that will lead the military of the future. Who knows, they may very well be some of the next great American civilian, political, and business leaders. After all, the military grows the best leaders this nation has to offer as they are tested morally and physically. They must have the intestinal fortitude to do what is right no matter how tough things get. More importantly we grow leaders that we will entrust with our country’s most precious resource–the sons and daughters of this great nation. They will be the ones to lead, grow, and mentor our children as they tackle our nation’s future strategic and tactical challenges across the globe.

I would like to give a special thanks to 1SG Seip and CPT Parris of the 60th Ordnance Company for allowing me the opportunity to spend some time with their Soldiers. Also, a special thanks to the leaders of the 4th STB, LTC Craft and CSM O’neal as well as SFC Mackie Ocampo and SFC Holland for their professionalism and kindness.

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Mark is a Retired Command Sergeant Major with 26 years of military leadership experience. He held 3 military occupational specialties (Field Artillery, Nuclear Weapons Tech, and Ammunition Ordnance). Mark is one of the leading military authors in the fields of leadership, counseling, and training.

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Wear it Right! Army Uniform Guide

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    I don’t believe it CSM Gerecht? From the Mentor book? I did not know this was your website, my NCO myself and my junior leaders spent countless hours going through your book. All those counselings I was stuck on and you provided a lot guidance. Thanks for the help without those example all my counselings would have been either good work this month or you suck this month sign here lol naa I look forward to participating on the website. ORDNANCE LEADS THE WAY!

    • Mark Gerecht


      Glad you found the information useful. Also appreciate the contributions you have made to the site. We strive to provide professional advice from a neutral perspective (non judgmental)that provides: facts, regulations, and potential courses of action based on experience and expertise.
      Thanks Again

  • Mackie


    It was an honor and pleasure to finally meet my friend and Mentor! Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to come visit.

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