Fort Sill NCOA AAR | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Fort Sill NCOA AAR

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Mark Gerecht presenting to the Fort Sill NCO Academy

Mark Gerecht presenting to the Fort Sill NCO Academy

I recently had the opportunity to speak with the ALC and SLC classes at the Fort Sill NCO Academy. We spent an hour going over some of the most popular questions Soldiers bring us on AskTOP. I heard a lot of good ideas come out of the group and we really enjoyed the time spent with the NCOA team. What a great group of military professionals.

I am making the slides from this class available below along with slides from a couple of classes I have conducted in the past. Please feel encouraged to download these slides and share them with your troops and fellow leaders. All too often, good leaders take rumors to heart and hold on to myths and half-truths. It is your responsibility to take the initiative and consult Army regulations, field manuals, and other official documentation. Think for yourself, educate yourself, and fight for what you know to be right.

Mark poses with Staff Sergeants Miller and Aldrich, winners of the ALC Leadership Board and Master Fitness Award respectively

Mark poses with Staff Sergeants Miller and Aldrich, winners of the ALC Leadership Board and Master Fitness Award respectively

Now more than ever, leaders hold their subordinates’ careers and livelihoods in their hands. What you do with that is up to you, but I suggest you take it seriously.

Please feel welcome to follow up with us if you have any additional questions regarding leadership challenges or any of the other topics we hit last week.

Thank you CMDT Pinkney, Mr. Bates (academy S3), and Mr. Brogdon of Sill PAO for making this event possible. We look forward to working with you in the future.



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Mark is a Retired Command Sergeant Major with 26 years of military leadership experience. He held 3 military occupational specialties (Field Artillery, Nuclear Weapons Tech, and Ammunition Ordnance). Mark is one of the leading military authors in the fields of leadership, counseling, and training.

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  • JD


    Well I was under Investigation with CID for five months. My chain of command told me that my Investigation stopped in August just last week. I asked my 1SG why was I still flagged? My 1SG told me that I was flagged because legal will be determining the actions to take against me. I in the other hand I’m a SPC in charge of my BN supply and my 1SG said “as long as I keep on taking care of my commander I would be able to reenlinst and go on about my life in the military”. What can I do in this position or predicament?


    • Eck



      It appears you have a good working relationship with your First Sergeant. I would suggest you go through your First Sergeant and inquire about the status of your investigation and the commander’s intent in regards to your case. The First Sergeant probably will not be able to provide specifics, but may give you an idea of what may lie ahead for you.

      If the CID investigation was closed favorably (no misconduct found on your part) then your flag should be lifted and you continue your career. If the CID case disclosed misconduct then your commander, after consulting with his servicing legal office, will determine what, if any, disciplinary action to pursue.

      As long as the commander intends to move forward with some type of disciplinary action, then the flag will stay in place. During the time you are flagged you are prevented from reenlisting.

      In any event, if the investigation was complete in August, and the command has all the information they require, a decision of a course of action should be made before too long. Commanders do not like to have open cases hanging around, nor does the legal office like to have them pending.

      Ultimately, it is up to your commander of when and what action to take though.

      I hope you found this useful.

      “The views presented by the author are his own and do not necessarily represent the views of the DoD or its Components.”

      Disclaimer: I am not an attorney and any views presented are my own and are not to be interpreted as legal advice. Furthermore, my views do not necessarily represent the views of DoD or its Components.

  • SFC Elrod, Ryan


    This briefing was very informative. A lot of NCOs go off of what they have heard and not what is in the reg. The briefing opened a bunch of NCOs eyes to what is suppose to happen. I know everyone learned something from this.

    • Preston


      Thanks for the feedback, SFC Elrod! I know I can speak for Mark when I say that we are both glad that you found value in the presentation.

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