The Army fully expects that most Soldiers’ promotion score will drop dramatically as a result of the new system. However, the cut-off scores will also drop to a proportionate level. The total number of promoted Soldiers will not change.
It appears that I may lose a lot of my current points because many courses, awards, etc., will no longer be eligible under the new Semi-Centralized Promotions System. Is this a true statement?
The Army fully expects that most Soldiers’ promotion score will drop dramatically as a result of the new system. However, the cut-off scores will also drop to a proportionate level. The total number of promoted Soldiers will not change.
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the new system dropped me 321 points, Corspondance hours from atrrs and not all my awards from my erb made it over. My points dropped below the 350 mark, low enough to take away my promotable status. My unit S1 doesn’t know what to tell me other then I will have to goto the board again. My courses that are on there btw are full courses and not sub-courses
First of all, as long as you have a valid APFT (no older than 1 year), completed WLC or received a WLC waiver (if competing for SSG), and have a high school or equivalency diploma, you will not lose your promotable status. The lowest promotion point score for Soldiers who attended promotion boards for promotion to SGT is 40, to SSG is 15 which are the lowest amount of points each will get for passing the APFT.
Based on what you have stated, it does not seem to me that you will lose your promotable status. But then again, I have not seen your entire record. I recommend you read the New Semi-Centralized Promotion Briefing which can be found at this link. If your unit S1 has any questions, they are free to contact me.