What is the minimum space I am authorized in the barracks? | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals

What is the minimum space I am authorized in the barracks?

Top what regulation covers the minimum space requirements for Soldiers living in the Barrack? Is there anything about the furniture that we are suppose to have. It is totally unsat and they are including our bathroom in our square footage is that right?

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I am not an expert in this world but I believe the regulation you are looking for is AR 210-50. Page 25 seems to address the space issue and Table 4-3 appears to provide a listing of furniture that is required. You need to make sure I am using the correct section of this regulation. In other words comparing apples to apples because there are several variables that can impact the answer.

E-1/E-4 get 90 square foot of net living area and not more than four per room. Note 1 states: The net living area of a private room or suite is measured from the inside face of the peripheral wall and includes all such enclosed, unshared spaces and partitions. The net living area is a shared room comprises the clear area in the sleeping room allocated for an individual’s bed, locker, and circulation; it excludes lounges, bathrooms, hallways, door swing areas, and storage areas designated for military mobility and/or field gear or equipment. In open bay, net living area is one equal share per person. The open bay comprises all within the peripheral walls.

I would encourage you to read this regulation completely.

Ask the housing office or agency responsible for managing your billet space (It might be an office in the Garrison DPW).

What type of facility you are classified as and request they educate you using the regulation, and their policies. If you are not satisfied I would encourage you to take it to your chain of command. If that fails and you really have your facts together consider the IG or the Post Generals hot line.

To be effective in this type of situation you must get your facts together. Understand the issue and look at it from the regulation perspective, the Soldier perspective, has the installation done everything reasonably possible to comply with the regulation, do they have any waivers, and are the facilities available at your installation adequate per the regulation. If waivers have been granted, they should be on file. Do not raise hell until you have your facts together. Once you understand what the regulation states, what the facilities are on post you have to work with, then come up with a couple of recommended solutions. This is the most effective way to work through a problem like this. If you just want to complain no one is going to listen. Do your homework, be absolutely professional, unemotional, and factual…provide recommendations….then you dramatically improve your chances of being successful.

Last but not least look at the issue from your chain of command’s perspective.

I have attached the regulation for your review.  I hope this helps you find a solution.


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Mark is a Retired Command Sergeant Major with 26 years of military leadership experience. He held 3 military occupational specialties (Field Artillery, Nuclear Weapons Tech, and Ammunition Ordnance). Mark is one of the leading military authors in the fields of leadership, counseling, and training.

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Disclaimer: Though all content posted on AskTOP.net is reviewed by our qualified subject matter experts, you should not make decisions based solely on the information contained in this post. Use information from multiple sources when making important professional decisions. This is not an official government website.


  • Jared Martin


    Hey top this got updated. The regulation changed to 420-1 and the information is in table 3-7. It is still the same information though!

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