Soldier failed to show up for an after hours formation, what can I write him up for? | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Soldier failed to show up for an after hours formation, what can I write him up for?

Our unit had a recall formation at 1720 and everyone had to be at formation no later than 1800. I had a soldier show up at 2100. His excuse was he was off post and didn't have a ride. What can I write him up for? He is already pending an Article 15?

Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide

You state this was a recall formation.  It sound like this was a last minute thing.  If the Soldier did not know about the formation then he cannot necessarily be held accountable for missing a formation that he was unaware of.

However each Soldier is required to have a means to be notified.  In this electronic age I am sure the Soldier has a cell phone.  Even if the Soldier does not have a cell phone they are required to have a means of receiving emergency notifications if they live off post.  Usually a neighbor willing to pass the message along for recalls, etc.

If the Soldier knew there was a formation and  knew he had a requirement to be at that location i you can write up a counseling statement for:  Failure to be at his appointed place of duty, being late.

If the Soldier did not know about the formation and failed to answer the phone or provide a method to contact them you can provide a counseling statement notifying the Soldier to provide a means of contact for emergencies such as recalls and alerts.

Since the Soldier has already been recommended for an Article 15 this information should be forwarded to the JAG and incorporated in the current Article 15.  The command must roll up all current violations into one Article 15 process.


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Mark is a Retired Command Sergeant Major with 26 years of military leadership experience. He held 3 military occupational specialties (Field Artillery, Nuclear Weapons Tech, and Ammunition Ordnance). Mark is one of the leading military authors in the fields of leadership, counseling, and training.

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