Our squad leader lied and forged our signatures. What do we do? | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Our squad leader lied and forged our signatures. What do we do?

We were given equipment when our unit was prepared to deploy. No one signed for it. Months later we were brought in to sign for equipment and found hand receipts with our forged signatures on it. Our squad leader (who was in charge of the equipment and who had originally given it to us) held up the hand receipts and said, "this is your name and you signed for it." Later, he tried to force some of us to make false sworn statements about the matter. Now our platoon sergeant is ticked at all of us and wants to "fry" us for lying but we are telling the truth! What should we do?

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It appears there is an integrity problem. If the whole squad has the same story then I do not understand why the platoon sergeant would want to fry the Soldiers. It appears this situation would be best solved by bringing it to the attention of the commander and 1SG jointly.

If there is an integrity issue and individuals are being forced to do things that are inappropriate the command needs to know.

I would recommend that you sit down and get your facts together and then approach your 1SG and Commander in a calm, unemotional, and professional manner. You may want to request an open door policy meeting with the commander and 1Sg with the whole squad. If you are concerned about retribution you can contact the IG and discuss the issue with them. They do not need to become involved but they can offer you advice and they can assist you if there is retribution later.

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Mark is a Retired Command Sergeant Major with 26 years of military leadership experience. He held 3 military occupational specialties (Field Artillery, Nuclear Weapons Tech, and Ammunition Ordnance). Mark is one of the leading military authors in the fields of leadership, counseling, and training.

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