Must all commanders have an open door policy? | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Must all commanders have an open door policy?

Is there a requirement that all commanders have an open door policy?

The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership

Yes, AR 600-20 para 2-2: specifies the following:

Commanders will establish an open door policy within their commands. Soldiers are responsible to ensure that the commander is made aware of problems that affect discipline, morale, and mission effectiveness; and an open door policy allows members of the command to present facts, concerns, and problems of a personal or professional nature or other issues that the Soldier has been unable to resolve. The timing, conduct, and specific procedures of the open door policy are determined by the commander. He or she is responsible for ensuring that Soldiers are aware of the command’s open door policy.

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Mark is a Retired Command Sergeant Major with 26 years of military leadership experience. He held 3 military occupational specialties (Field Artillery, Nuclear Weapons Tech, and Ammunition Ordnance). Mark is one of the leading military authors in the fields of leadership, counseling, and training.

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  • Terrence Keesling


    Can a solider be negatively counseled for “disrespect and unprofessionalism” by her first line after requesting to utilize the commanders open door policy to express their grievances?

    • Mark Gerecht


      My apologies for the delayed response. You can be counseled for anything. In this situation and based on the information you provide it would not be the best decision for the leader to counsel a Soldier for wanting to use the open door policy. The purpose of the policy is to work out issues that cannot be resolved at a lower level. A Commander and 1SG might take a dim view of a leader trying to intimidate a Soldier from using the open door policy. If you use the open door policy consider taking the counseling statement you were given showing that you were counseled not to use the open door policy. This might let the chain of command see this issue better from your perspective. On another note please stop by our YOUTUBE CHANNEL Mentor Military as it has tons of information on these type subjects and much more. If you like what you see please subscribe and tell your network. Respectfully TOP!

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