My knees swell up after I run or perform other exercises, what should I do? | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

My knees swell up after I run or perform other exercises, what should I do?

The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide

My knees swell up after I run or perform other exercises, what should I do?

First of all, go see a Dr. to find out what is wrong, treat it, and document it.

Secondly, the swelling can come from you over exerting yourself and/or from performing high impact bouncing exercises like the mule kick.

If you are performing the high impact exercises, stop and perform alternative exercises that are in my book MAX Out the Army, Navy, Marine, and Air Force Physical Fitness and Combat Fitness Tests.

Well, what about over exerting? This usually comes in when you are carrying (road marching) with more than 33% of your body weight in a backpack (If you weigh 100lbs, you should not carry more than 33lbs on your back on a regular basis). It can also come from running too much (20+miles a week end-on-end), using too heavy dead weights, and the like. Listen to your body and down tune your routine until your body is strong enough to handle it.

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Lee Kind is former Army Transportation Officer with 8 years of service spending most of his time in the 82nd Airborne Division. Lee is passionate about sharing wisdom on physical fitness (scoring 370+ on PT tests) and practical leadership to help Soldiers excel in all they do and set the example for others to follow. Lee is the author of "MAX Out the Army, Marine, and Air Force Physical Fitness and Combat Fitness Tests” Volume I and II.

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