If I get two Article 15’s can I request to get out of the service? | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals

If I get two Article 15’s can I request to get out of the service?

I received an Article 15 a few months ago. Unfortunately it looks like I will be getting another one? Can I request to get out of the service if I get another one?

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Short Answer



You most likely will not need to request it.  Usually two Articles 15’s are enough for your command to request a discharge for patterns of misconduct.  I would be careful about asking for a discharge as you just might get what you are asking for but in a way you would not appreciate.  Depending on the reasons for the Article 15 the Command would request an Other than Honorable Discharge rather than a General discharge or an Honorable discharge.  It might just be better to ride out your time if they give you the option.  Asking for a discharge could just invite unwanted attention to yourself.

Items to Consider

  • if you deserve the Article 15 consider accepting responsibility and Soldier up and become a better Soldier
  • if you don’t deserve the Article 15 be prepared when you go in.  See the post below.
  • Keep in mind as the Army draws down they are looking to reduce the force so the chain of command may go the chapter route without you asking for it.
  • Consider reading AR 635-200 as it pertains to separation (Chapter) actions
  • Consider preparing a statement to present to the Commander and present it during the Article 15 hearing.  You can also have witnesses speak on your behalf as to what happened and what they did or did not see.

Related Post

You might find the following posts useful:

How can I convince my Chain of Command to drop an Article 15?

Soldier decision and recourse during the Article 15 process?

Your Attitude and Tone

Your attitude and tone in handling issues like this are very important.  It is very important that you be factual, respectful, calm, and professional.  Take the high road.  If you get emotional it will not workout in your favor.


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Mark is a Retired Command Sergeant Major with 26 years of military leadership experience. He held 3 military occupational specialties (Field Artillery, Nuclear Weapons Tech, and Ammunition Ordnance). Mark is one of the leading military authors in the fields of leadership, counseling, and training.

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