If a “FOR RECORD APFT TEST” is terminated before all events are completed how much time must elaspse before a Commander can make the Soldier take another “FOR RECORD APFT?” | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals

If a “FOR RECORD APFT TEST” is terminated before all events are completed how much time must elaspse before a Commander can make the Soldier take another “FOR RECORD APFT?”

Can a Commander have the unit start a FOR RECORD APFT and then stop the APFT for some reason and then require the unit to take the APFT again at a later date?

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A Commander can conduct or direct a FOR RECORD APFT TEST  be conducted as often as they wish. If only 2 FOR RECORD TESTS are conducted in a year the test  must be separated by at least 4 months. See AR 350-1 for specifics.

However, the Commander also has a duty and responsibility to ensure that the FOR RECORD tests are not conducted in a manner that is unsafe, unreasonably place the Soldier at risk of injury, or are of a frequency that undermine unit mission/readiness or Army Standards.

If you are asking how long a Commander must wait to implement another FOR Record APFT test if a test was started but could not be completed or was canceled… then there is no regulatory answer for this question.

For example: Let’s say the unit completed the push up and sit up events of the APFT but had to stop the APFT because of unsafe weather.  Then the Commander should wait a reasonable amount of time to ensure the Soldiers are able to recover properly to ensure good performance when the next FOR RECORD APFT is scheduled.  Let us say a FOR RECORD APFT was started on Monday and 2 events were completed as outlined in FM 7-22 Appendix A and AR 350-1 it would be appropriate in my opinion for a Commander to wait a minimum of at least 3-5 days before requiring another FOR RECORD Test, anything less than this time frame in my opinion is unfair and unsafe to the Soldier being tested.  Keep in mind the Commander could by AR 350-1 require the test the next day (Commanders can conduct FOR RECORD APFTS as often as they like) but I believe such a requirement would be found by a higher commander, IG, or JAG to be inappropriate, unrealistic, and potentially unsafe for the Soldiers participating in the event.

For a RECORD APFT to be considered valid all members of a specific group of Soldiers being tested at a given time must complete all events within two hours of the start time.

For example:  A unit has 100 Soldiers testing.  They are divided into 4 groups of 25.  Each group of 25 Soldiers has 2 hours to complete the test.  This means that from the time the 1st person does the 1st push up to the time the last person crosses the finish line on the 2 mile run the time cannot exceed two hours.  Furthermore there must be at least 10 minutes rest between each event and no more than 20 minutes rest between each event.  FM 7-22 Appendix A


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Mark is a Retired Command Sergeant Major with 26 years of military leadership experience. He held 3 military occupational specialties (Field Artillery, Nuclear Weapons Tech, and Ammunition Ordnance). Mark is one of the leading military authors in the fields of leadership, counseling, and training.

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