I just reenlisted with a bonus and requested to go to Korea. If I ask for my orders to be deleted will I have to repay my bonus | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals

I just reenlisted with a bonus and requested to go to Korea. If I ask for my orders to be deleted will I have to repay my bonus

I recently reenlisted for 6yrs to go to Korea and received a SRB. Shortly after reenlisting I was on orders to deploy. They have me going to a unit I don't want. My branch manager has a different slot for me at a different unit in Korea. The only way to get that slot is to delete my current orders. My report date is July, but I don't reploy until August.If I ask for deletion of my orders will I have repay my bonus?

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Short answer is no


If the Soldier asks for deletion of orders, he or she will keep the bonus. Most bonuses are paid based on MOS/Skill Level and sometimes ASIs or SQIs. The only time a bonus is taken back for deleting PCS orders is if the Soldier receives a location bonus (this is likely not the case as we have not had a Korea location bonus for nearly a decade).
On another note, I strongly recommend this Soldier gets in contact with their Career Counselor ASAP. When orders generated by reenlistment are interrupted by a deployment, retention branch is required to honor those orders. The Career Counselor can move the report date fairly easily, and in most cases the orders don’t change if the report date is only moved a month or two. In some cases, if the report date is moved far enough, the pinpoint orders may change (i.e., Soldier gets a 7 month deferment and the slot they were expected to fill ends up being taken by someone else), but the assignment guaranteed in the contract is still honored. In any case, if the Soldier wants to completely delete the assignment, they need to submit a waiver of reenlistment option and also submit a 4187 requesting a deletion of orders to retention branch.

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Mark is a Retired Command Sergeant Major with 26 years of military leadership experience. He held 3 military occupational specialties (Field Artillery, Nuclear Weapons Tech, and Ammunition Ordnance). Mark is one of the leading military authors in the fields of leadership, counseling, and training.

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