I am getting an Article 15 for supposedly lying about pulling my guard duty shift but I pulled the shift- What can I do? | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals

I am getting an Article 15 for supposedly lying about pulling my guard duty shift but I pulled the shift- What can I do?

My leadership is giving me an Article 15 (summarized) for lying to an NCO, which they have absolutely no proof I lied. They are saying I lied about pulling my guard shift while in the field. While everyone else was asleep I was doing my guard shift. I wake up and I'm getting yelled at for not doing my shift. When was asked I told my E6 squad leader I did my shift, he called me a liar and has proceeded to push the Article 15 since. How should I handle this situation?

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No cut and dry answer here.  But there are some things that disturb me for example:

Who relieved you from your guard shift?

Where was the Sergeant of the Guard?

What about General Order Number 1?  I will guard everything within the limits of my post and quit my post only when properly relieved.


In the field usually either the Sergeant of the Guard or you wake up the next person on shift wait for them to get up get dressed an relieve you at your post.  Either of these individuals could verify you pulled your shift.

If however you pulled your shift, and went back to your rack there is a problem or if you woke the person up and did not wait for them to get up and get to the guard location.  Either way the guard chain would have been broken and the area left unprotected.  BIG PROBLEM!

Things to Consider

You could bring up the process that was used and how you applied the process you were given.  You might want to type up your response to present to the Commander during the Article 15 session.  That way you can include everything you want to say.

 Related Post

You might want to review this post as I believe it will help you be prepared for the Article 15 hearing.

 How do I convince my chain of command to drop an Article 15?

Your Attitude and Tone

Your attitude and tone in handling issues like this are very important.  It is very important that you be factual, respectful, calm, and professional.  Take the high road.  If you get emotional it will not workout in your favor.


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Mark is a Retired Command Sergeant Major with 26 years of military leadership experience. He held 3 military occupational specialties (Field Artillery, Nuclear Weapons Tech, and Ammunition Ordnance). Mark is one of the leading military authors in the fields of leadership, counseling, and training.

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