How can we fix big problems before a deployment? | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

How can we fix big problems before a deployment?

Our unit is about to deploy in Dec and they are in training at a large installation in the U.S. The Soldiers are complaining that the leadership does not care. Soldiers are not getting chow, they are staying in billets without heat, and they have been told a 4 pass they were promised now will not happen. What can I do?

Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide

The Soldiers have to stand up for themselves and make their voices heard to the chain of command if they believe they are not being cared for properly. If they are blown off at the lowest level, they need to keep taking the issue higher. I call the battalion leadership the checkpoint. By the time you reach this level of leadership either your entire chain of command is against you (this is unlikely) or the matter you are bringing to their attention has not been properly explained, is more emotional than factual, or is the product of a person who will never be happy no matter what a leader does. In the rare case that the Soldier has a legitimate issue and they are not offered resolution at the battalion level, they can contact the IG.

What can you do from the outside?

If you, as a concerned individual, have already contacted the chain of command and given them adequate time to address the issue you can personally contact the IG or even the DOD or Army IG. If you go this route, I would caution you to ensure your comments are professional and unemotional and very specific with regard to facts. Be careful that the information you convey will not have the unintended consequence of causing problems for the Soldiers you hope to help.

With that stated, most leaders want to do what is best for their Soldiers. I recall going without chow many nights because all of our junior Soldiers ate before the leaders. It was not a great feeling but the Soldiers were taken care of before the leaders. Nowadays that should not be a problem as MREs tend to be readily available. My point is most leaders want to do what is right and they will do their best to fix a problem when approached in a professional way about substandard execution of duties. In the rare cases where the leader truly does not care, Soldiers can prepare a constructive complaint complete with proposed solutions and approach the chain of command for resolution.

No leader should allow for abuse or neglect of subordinates. I honestly believe that if this issue is properly addressed through the chain of command it will be resolved. If the individual fears reprisal, have them document their complaint and turn it into the Commander. This complaint should be factual, unemotional, and provide realistic solutions. If later the Soldier is mistreated because of the complaint, the document can be used to support a reprisal claim.

There are two sides to every story

The issues you raise are concerning but may not represent the complete picture. For example, did the leadership do all they could to try and get heat for the building? Was the heat fixed the next night based on complaints from Soldiers or observations by unit leaders? Sometimes leaders fail to communicate their actions and the steps they have taken. Soldiers sometimes fail to see things from the leaders’ perspective.

The issue needs to be resolved

The unit is deploying and these types of issues need to be addressed before the unit deploys to try and get a handle the morale and es sprit de corps of the unit. I believe the best way to do it is for Soldiers to address concerns with their leadership. This is usually the best way to get a solution and clear the air. Leaders are in difficult positions because no matter the decision they make not everyone will be happy.

While I understand this is an emotional issue to receive proper resolution it must be addressed in a professional, factual, and unemotional manner. Give the unit leadership an opportunity to work the issue. Use the Family Support Group to communicate with the Commander on the issue.

An old friend once shared the following advice with me: When in charge, take charge, when not in charge have the good grace to let those in charge be in charge.

Keep in mind if you raise the issues in the wrong way, the chain of command will have to expend numerous resources to look into your complaints while they should be preparing their Soldiers for deployment. If you believe the unit chain of command will not or can not address the issue I have provided you other methods above. Just ensure you understand the possible consequences for those alternatives. If your concerns are factual and the chain of command has failed to act then the Soldiers should address the issue with their leaders.  If this fails perhaps outside intervention is warranted.

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Mark is a Retired Command Sergeant Major with 26 years of military leadership experience. He held 3 military occupational specialties (Field Artillery, Nuclear Weapons Tech, and Ammunition Ordnance). Mark is one of the leading military authors in the fields of leadership, counseling, and training.

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