Yes, awards and decorations earned in other US Uniformed Services are worth the same number of points as corresponding/equivalent Army awards.
I earned numerous awards and decorations during my prior service with the Marine Corps. Will those points qualify for Army promotion points?
Yes, awards and decorations earned in other US Uniformed Services are worth the same number of points as corresponding/equivalent Army awards.
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Nicole Broming
Can soldiers with prior service in other branches wear their awards on the ASU?
Certain awards from other branches can be worn on the ASU. Refer to AR 670-1 for guidance.
Mac Arthur D. "Mackie" Ocampo
It would be hard to identify which courses, if any, would count towards promotion points without seeing your certificates. Boot camp though specifically does not count as it is considered Initial Entry Training. If you’ve taken a WLC equivalent course, you can request for equivalency and receive points for it. I recommend you bring your training certificates to your S1 so they can assist you in finding out if you can receive points for any of the USMC courses you have taken.
im an e-5 (p) ,was prior service marines, are there, or is there any points i can use from my training in usmc to apply for promotion in the army. IE boot camp ect. ? thank you