Can Soldiers take a 3-day pass during the week? | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Can Soldiers take a 3-day pass during the week?

Can I take a 3-day pass during the middle of the week?

The comprehensive guide to the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)

Usually not! There are exceptions for Soldiers who work shifts that include weekends or perform other duties that do not typically allow them regular time off on weekends.  For specifics see AR 600-8-10.

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Mark is a Retired Command Sergeant Major with 26 years of military leadership experience. He held 3 military occupational specialties (Field Artillery, Nuclear Weapons Tech, and Ammunition Ordnance). Mark is one of the leading military authors in the fields of leadership, counseling, and training.

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  • Anonymous


    The anser is wrong. Read the chapter that covers regular passes.

    • Mark Gerecht


      We try very hard to provide correct answers. Typically our answers follow the following format: Regulation, Experience, things to consider or think about. There are times when we make mistakes and we appreciate it when someone corrects us because the last thing we want is to provide bad information. Perhaps I should have been more specific in my response when I referenced AR 600-8-10 in general. But as I stated in my post the regulation definitely allows passes to be taken in the middle of the week. If this exception did not exist it would be impossible for Soldiers that work shift work to take advantage of a pass. Soldiers that typically get these types of exceptions are individuals like: Cooks, Hospital personnel, etc. In rare cases the pass could be granted to say a line Soldier who is frequently working Staff Duty or CQ. The commander is the deciding authority for such actions.

      ECK…thanks for helping out with the specifics in the regulation. I pulled it up last night but got swamped and could not complete the post. thanks again.


      • Eck


        Hi Top,

        Yes, a special three day pass may be granted for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. See paragraph
        5-29e(2), AR 600-8-10 – Leaves and Passes.

        5-29e. A 3-day pass—
        (1) Normally begins at the end of a normal duty day on a given day and ends with the start of a normal duty day on the 4th day after an absence of 3 consecutive calendar days. The standard for calculating the period of the pass is to count calendar days, not on the number of hours to be taken.
        (2) Must include at least 1 duty day. This period may be Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, depending on unit duty requirements. (For example, a Soldier may depart at the end of the duty day on Monday evening and must return at the start of the normal duty day on Friday.)

        Now if a Soldier is not able to return to duty on Friday and requires an extension, the entire time away, beginning on Tuesday, will be charged as leave.

        However, I have only seen a handful of these type of passes occur, and then it was for unusual circumstances as SGT Nick exampled.

        Hope this helps.

        “I am not an attorney and any views presented are my own and are not to be interpreted as legal advice. Furthermore, my views do not necessarily represent the views of DoD or its Components.”

    • SGT NICK


      The answer is technically wrong as in you can take a pass from Tues thru Thurs. This is a special pass and is rarely granted. I only saw one granted for a squad leader/plt sgt seeing a Soldier in critial condition at a hospital that was 8 hours away.

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