Can shoulder pockets be removed and flag, tabs, DUI, etc. be sewn on instead of Velcro? | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Can shoulder pockets be removed and flag, tabs, DUI, etc. be sewn on instead of Velcro?

Can shoulder pockets be removed and flag, tabs, DUI, etc. be sewn on instead of Velcro?

Wear it Right! Army Uniform Tool


“NO” and “YES”  Please see references below.


What can be sewn on is referenced below:

DA PAM 670-1 Para 4-8e

Soldiers may sew on the U.S. Army tape, name tape, rank, and all authorized badges as an option. Hook-and-loop fasteners for U.S. Army tape and name tape may be left on or removed when sewing on the uniform. If worn, badges must be all sewn on or all pinned on; Soldiers are not authorized to mix sew-on badges with pin-on badges. When personnel sew on badges, the following must also be sewn on the combat uniform coat: name tape, U.S. Army tape, and grade insignia. If a nametape, U.S. Army tape or grade insignia is sewn on, then personnel must sew all three of these items on the uniform coat. This requirement does not apply to the patrol cap. If Soldiers choose to sew on U.S. Army name tape, rank or authorized skill badges, it will be at their own expense. Soldiers may wear pin-on badges with sewn on name tape, U.S. Army tape, and grade insignia. Soldiers are not authorized to wear pinned on badges in a field or deployed environment


DA PAM 670-1 Para 19–18.

Wear of U.S. flag embroidered insignia a. Description. The colors of the U.S. flag embroidered insignia (full color) are red, white, and blue. The size is approximately 2 inches by 3 inches. b. How worn. (1) The U.S. flag insignia (full color or subdued) is worn on the right shoulder pocket flap of utility uniforms. On uniforms with pocket flaps, the flag insignia is placed directly on top of the hook-and-loop-faced-pad already provided on the uniforms shoulder pocket flap. On uniforms without pocket flaps, the flag insignia is worn on the upper most portion of the hook-and-loop-faced pad with the top of the insignia at the top of the pad. The subdued U.S. flag insignia is worn when directed by the commander under tactical field conditions. Soldiers will not sew the U.S. Flag on the uniform. (2) All personnel will wear the subdued SSI centered on the hook-and-loop faced pad already provided on the left sleeve of the utility uniforms. The U.S. flag embroidered insignia is worn so that the star field faces forward, or to the flag’s own right. When worn in this manner, the flag is facing to the observer’s right and gives the effect of the flag flying in the breeze as the wearer moves forward. The appropriate replica for the right shoulder sleeve is identified as the reverse side flag (see fig 19–133)


Alterations are not authorized.

AR 670-1 Para 1-6

Authority a. Portions of this regulation are punitive. Violation of the specific prohibitions and requirements of specific portions by Soldiers may result in adverse administrative action and/or charges under the provisions of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). b. Only uniforms, accessories, and insignia prescribed in this regulation, or in the common table of allowances (CTA), or as approved by Headquarters, Department of the Army (HQDA), will be worn by personnel in the U.S. Army. Unless specified in this regulation, the commander issuing the clothing and individual equipment will establish wear policies for organizational clothing and individual equipment. No item governed by this regulation will be altered in any way that changes the basic design, or the intended concept of fit, as described in AR 700–84, including plating, smoothing, or removing detailed features of metal items, or otherwise altering the color or appearance





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Mark is a Retired Command Sergeant Major with 26 years of military leadership experience. He held 3 military occupational specialties (Field Artillery, Nuclear Weapons Tech, and Ammunition Ordnance). Mark is one of the leading military authors in the fields of leadership, counseling, and training.

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