Can my unit deny any leave outside of block leave? | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Can my unit deny any leave outside of block leave?

I haven't taken leave at all for over a year. I was planning on taking leave outside of block leave dates. Can they stop me from submitting my leave?

The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide

Leave is a Commander’s program. The Command cannot stop you from formally requesting leave.  If you request leave and it is denied, ensure you keep the leave request form showing it was denied for your records.

The Command cannot make you take leave, but they can deny leave if it interferes with the unit mission.  Usually requesting leave outside of block leave is not a problem so long as:
1. You have the leave available
2. It does not interfere with the mission

If you are getting push-back through your chain of command you can request to see the Commander and 1SG on open door policy to explain and make your request in person.  Be sure that you are professional, calm, factual, and unemotional during your presentation.

See AR 600-8-10 for information on leave and passes.

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Mark is a Retired Command Sergeant Major with 26 years of military leadership experience. He held 3 military occupational specialties (Field Artillery, Nuclear Weapons Tech, and Ammunition Ordnance). Mark is one of the leading military authors in the fields of leadership, counseling, and training.

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The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide

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  • Kevin J


    Can the Army deny leave, if a soldier does not want the covid19 vaccine>

    • Mark Gerecht


      Leave is a commander’s program and the commander can deny leave typically at their reasonable discretion. More importantly the Commander with general court martial convening authority has the authority to order involuntary immunization. See reference below

      Hope you found this information useful.
      Check out our YOUTUBE Channel as it has numerous videos on relief for cause actions.

      Hope this helps to some degree.

      YOUTUBE: Mentor Military


      AR 600-8-10 Paragraph 2-2c(1)

      c. Commanders will—
      (1) Establish policies and procedures for leave, pass, and administrative absences that—

      AR 600-20 Paragraph 5-4g states:

      g. Command authority – medical care with or without the Soldier’s permission.

      (2) Immunizations. Commanders will ensure that Soldiers are continually educated concerning the intent and rationale behind both routine and theater-specific or threat-specific military immunization requirements. Immunizations required by AR 40–562 or other legal directive may be given involuntarily (except as prescribed in para 5–6 or para P–3b regarding religious accommodation). The intent of this authorization is to protect the health and overall effectiveness of the command, as well as the health and medical readiness of the individual Soldier. In cases where involuntary immunization is being considered, the following procedures and limitations apply:

      (a) Under normal circumstances, actions will not be taken to involuntarily immunize Soldiers. If a Soldier declines to be immunized the commander will—

      1. Ensure that the Soldier understands the purpose of the vaccine.

      2. Ensure that the Soldier has been advised of the possibility that the disease may be naturally present in a possible area of operation or may be used as a biological weapon against the United States and its allies.

      3. Ensure that the Soldier is educated about the vaccine and has been able to discuss any objections with medical authorities.

      4. Counsel the Soldier, in writing, that he or she is legally required to be immunized; that if the Soldier continues to refuse to be immunized that he or she will be legally ordered to do so, and that failure to obey the order may result in UCMJ and/or administrative action for failure to obey a lawful order (UCMJ, Art. 92) as deemed appropriate by the commander.

      5. Order the Soldier to receive the immunization.

      (b) If, after any of the steps listed in paragraph 5–4g(2)(a), a Soldier elects to be immunized, adverse action will not normally be taken based solely on the initial declination.

      (c) When a GCMCA or the delegated representative determines that conditions of imminent threat exist (where the threat of naturally occurring disease or use of biological weapons is reasonably possible), Soldiers may be involuntarily immunized. Involuntary immunization(s) will not be ordered by a commander below the GCMCA unless authority to do so has been properly delegated by the GCMCA. Prior to ordering involuntary immunizations, all of the steps outlined in paragraph 5–4g(2)(a) should be followed and documented, situation permitting. In performing this duty, unit personnel will only use the amount of force necessary to assist medical personnel in administering the immunization.



    Units were suppose to stop forcing soldiers to take block leave a while ago once the deployments started winding down and it is no longer needed. But some units are having a harder time adjusting to garrison army than others.

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