Can male Soldiers tape a female Soldier for compliance with the Army Body Composition Program Program (AR 600-9)? | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Can male Soldiers tape a female Soldier for compliance with the Army Body Composition Program Program (AR 600-9)?

Can 2 males tape a female who needs to be taped due to not meeting the weight guidelines?

The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide

UPDATED POST- 10 January 2014: Changes Paragraph Reference for New AR 600-9 2013

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AR 600-9 is very clear on this issue. Please see the extract below:

 Extract AR 600-9

3–4. Weigh-in and body fat assessment

c.Routine weigh-ins will be accomplished at the unit level. Percent body fat assessments will be accomplished bycompany or similar level commanders (or their designee) in accordance with standard methods prescribed in appendixB. Soldiers will be measured by trained individuals of the same gender. If a trained individual of the same gender isnot available to conduct the measurements, a female Soldier will be present when a male measures a female, and a male Soldier will be present when a female measures a male. IRR members on annual training, ADT, and special ADTwill have a weigh-in and body fat assessment (if required) by the unit to which they are attached.

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Mark is a Retired Command Sergeant Major with 26 years of military leadership experience. He held 3 military occupational specialties (Field Artillery, Nuclear Weapons Tech, and Ammunition Ordnance). Mark is one of the leading military authors in the fields of leadership, counseling, and training.

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  • Jill Elliot


    My unit stated a male soldier can observe the female tape test since there is only one male and one female soldier certified to conduct the tape test. Is this permitted even if female soldier states they are uncomfortable?

    • Mark Gerecht


      Jill Great Question. The regulation (AR 600-9) specifically states in paragraph 3-4:

      Soldiers will be measured by two trained individuals of the same gender. If a trained individual of the same gender is not available

        to conduct the measurements, a female Soldier will be present when a male Soldier measures a female, and a male Soldier will be present when a female measures a male.

        Therefore a female must be present. It can be any female. The female does not have to be certified in the taping process. The two males would conduct the taping and the disinterested untrained female would be there as a witness that nothing unprofessional took place.

        I hope this answers your question. Please let me know if you found this information useful.

        Take Care

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