Can I be put on remedial PT for failing a diagnostic APFT? If so, please explain. | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Can I be put on remedial PT for failing a diagnostic APFT? If so, please explain.

I failed a diagnostic APFT and was put on remedial PT. When can I be removed form Remedial PT? What Regulation covers Remedial PT?

The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide
The Commander could direct special population PT for a diagnostic failure of the APFT as corrective training.  Corrective training stops once the Soldier is able to complete the task to standard – in this case score at least 60 points in each event with a minimum score of 180 for the test.
Corrective Training requirements can be found in AR 600-20.  The rules for corrective training can also be found in the following Post: Army Corrective Training Class:

AR 350-1 Appendix G-9 discusses the issue along with FM 7-22 Chapter 6.

Extracts of AR 350-1 Appendix G-9a

(4) Special conditioning programs are appropriate for Soldiers who have difficulty meeting unit goals or Army standards. Such programs will not be punitive; they must be designed to improve the fitness level of Soldiers.Additional training sessions are not always a substitute for smart, tailored conditioning sessions and can lead to over training. Special conditioning programs will be designed to meet individual needs to overcome identified weaknesses(for example, aerobic or strength deficiency). In addition, they should encourage a healthy lifestyle.

(5) Special physical fitness programs will be tailored according to FM 21–20 and kept separate and distinct from the Army Weight Control Program, except for the exercise programs prescribed to assist Soldiers with weight control problems. Commanders should avoid placing all Soldiers that exceed body composition standards or have fitness problems in the same category with the expectation that more exercise will automatically result in decreased body composition and weight. Special programs will be employed for Soldiers with physical fitness problems. Separate special programs or additional physical training is not always a solution to overcome identified weaknesses. Commanders are encouraged to place Soldiers with special fitness needs into the regular unit fitness program whenever possible. These programs will not be used to discipline Soldiers who may have attitude problems toward physical exercise.

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Mark is a Retired Command Sergeant Major with 26 years of military leadership experience. He held 3 military occupational specialties (Field Artillery, Nuclear Weapons Tech, and Ammunition Ordnance). Mark is one of the leading military authors in the fields of leadership, counseling, and training.

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