Can I be forced to PCS while on a medical recovery profile for surgery? | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Can I be forced to PCS while on a medical recovery profile for surgery?

I recently underwent knee surgery and was put on assignment. I received my profile that limits me from deploying so I can recover from surgery. Can my unit force me to PCS to my next unit that is a deployable unit even though I have non deploying profile?

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As a previous Assignment Manager I have some insight into these situation. You PCS move is controlled by HRC not by your unit.  If you are in fact in recovery and cannot PCS, then HRC will either 1. Defer your orders 90 days, or 2 delete the orders and place you on another assignment when your recovery is complete.  Depending on your situation it may be possible for you to PCS and simply maintain your recovery period through your PCS.

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Mark is a Retired Command Sergeant Major with 26 years of military leadership experience. He held 3 military occupational specialties (Field Artillery, Nuclear Weapons Tech, and Ammunition Ordnance). Mark is one of the leading military authors in the fields of leadership, counseling, and training.

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  • Ken Harris


    My MRD is 13 months away. Both of my knees are bad. I was told to wait before I get them operated on. Now the pain is so severe that I can’t walk without limping or I must use a cane and/or brace most of time to be mobile. Stationed overseas and have 119 leave days. SRU TOL denied my application stating I didn’t meet the single entry criteria. What are my options to get surgery done on my knee(s) before I’m out or worst need a wheelchair to get around?

  • Random


    I was placed on assignment to go to Korea on Sep. 10, 2017 but I filled out a 4187 to cancel that assignment due to me having surgery on my hip on August 8, 2017. Branch denied my deletion and deferred my report date to Feb. 10, 2018. I am in my initial contract and my ETS date is Nov. 4, 2018. Am I still obligated to pcs with less than a year left on my contract? Also there is a strong possibility that I will have to have the same surgery on my left hip and that will happen before my new report date. What will happen then?

    • Mark Gerecht


      The answer is Yes. When a Soldier is put on assignment, it is considered an order to report to his/her next duty station. Since the Soldier’s ETS is in November 2018, he would have to reenlist to report to this assignment. He would have received this information at his levy briefing if he attended one.

      If the Soldier wants to reenlist but just doesn’t want to go to Korea, he can ask the doctor to write a statement stating Korea is not in the best interest of the Soldier’s health right now but if he can have the surgery in Korea, HRC might still keep him on assignment (if he reenlists).

      If the Soldier is not planning on reenlisting, the Soldier can sign a Declination Statement, at which time HRC might take him/her off assignment but he/she will also be coded in the system and will not be eligible to reenlist at a later time. OR HRC could still have the Soldier report until the remainder of his/her time in the military (10 months) – this doesn’t happen too much.

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  • 123


    So I’m on a temporary profile for my toes old stress fracture plus 2 different types of controls substances which my doctor have request a 90 day stabilization for this meds. Now my unit is saying I have to get going and pcs but I MPD AND THEY REVOQUED MY ORDERS , so I have no orders but my deros haven’t change what next for me to do and find out if I’m pcs Ing or not I’m 15 days out

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