Can awards like the Order of St. Barbara, Samuel Sharpe, Audie Murphy, & SGT Morales be mentioned on your evaluation report? | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Can awards like the Order of St. Barbara, Samuel Sharpe, Audie Murphy, & SGT Morales be mentioned on your evaluation report?

I was awarded the Ancient Order of Saint Barbara. I was wondering if my rater is allowed to include that achievement on my NCOER. I have heard multiple Senior NCOs, including my current 1SG saying that it can't be included.

The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide

I can find nothing in AR 623-3 or DA PAM 623-3 that prevents the rater from mentioning this achievement.  I could not find any policy that prevented it either.  It is my opinion that such comments are authorized.

The reason many people believe that this such achievements cannot be mentioned or are unauthorized on the evaluation report is because they misread or misunderstand the requirements for a Soldier’s OMPF.  The Order of St. Barbara, Samuel Sharpe, Horatio Gates, Audie Murphy Club and Sergeant Morales Club documents are not allowed in a Soldier’s Official Military Record but this does not prevent them from being mentioned in the evaluation report.  In fact the only way a Soldier can be recognized for these types of achievement is by placing the comment in the evaluation report and/or receiving an award for it.

For example:  Let’s say a Soldier receives the “Order of St. Barbara” or is inducted into the Sergeant Morales Board.  The only way the promotion board will know about this achievement is if the Rating Chain places a comment in the evaluation report.  This is because the formal  documentation for this award cannot be put into the Soldiers Official files.  Therefore in order to recognize the Soldier’s outstanding achievement the achievement should be annotated in the official evaluation report.

Here is another example
1. if a Soldier completes 10 hours of college or completes their college degree
2. is awarded the voluntary service award
3. is recognized by a local community activity for their support

The examples above do no prevent the rating chain from annotating the achievement on the evaluation report. However the official documentation in items 1-2 above can be placed in the Soldiers OMPF or formally documented on the ERB.  Items 3 above are not allowed in your OMPF so therefore the only way the promotion board will know of your achievement is if it is mentioned in the evaluation report. These items fall into the same category as the Order of St. Barbara, Sergeant Morales, and Sergeant Audie Murphy.

To my knowledge the only items that cannot be mentioned in an evaluation report are those items specifically identified in AR 623-3. Which is any achievement completed while in an Army School in which you received a DA FORM 1059.  For example if you made distinguished honor graduate.  This would be annotated on your 1059 and would not be eligible to be placed on your evaluation report.

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Mark is a Retired Command Sergeant Major with 26 years of military leadership experience. He held 3 military occupational specialties (Field Artillery, Nuclear Weapons Tech, and Ammunition Ordnance). Mark is one of the leading military authors in the fields of leadership, counseling, and training.

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