Can an Enlisted Soldier have an Officer as a roommate, for example in a civilian apartment complex? | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Can an Enlisted Soldier have an Officer as a roommate, for example in a civilian apartment complex?

I am a junior enlisted Soldier who posted a add on a popular public listing looking for a roommate,in the AD I added that I was Jr enlisted but open to any rank. A Major happened to respond stating that he would like the space and it did not matter to him what rank I was because we all leave it at the door when we get home. My question is this ok, or would either of us get into trouble for sharing living quarters? I am just trying to do the right thing here and not see either of us be put in a bad situation. Thanks in advance for you help.

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AR 600-20 is very clear on this issue.  It is a NOGO.  Here is an extract of AR 600-20.  I would strongly encourage you to read the entire paragraph as it pertain to Fraternization.


4–14. Relationships between Soldiers of different rank a. The term “officer,” as used in this paragraph, includes both commissioned and WOs unless otherwise stated. Theprovisions of this paragraph apply to both relationships between Army personnel (to include dual-status military technicians in the Army Reserve and the ARNG) and between Army personnel and personnel of other militaryServices. This policy is effective immediately, except where noted below, and applies to different-gender relationships and same-gender relationships.b. Relationships between Soldiers of different rank are prohibited if they

—(1) Compromise, or appear to compromise, the integrity of supervisory authority or the chain of command.

(2) Cause actual or perceived partiality or unfairness.

(3) Involve, or appear to involve, the improper use of rank or position for personal gain.

(4) Are, or are perceived to be, exploitative or coercive in nature.

(5) Create an actual or clearly predictable adverse impact on discipline, authority, morale, or the ability of thecommand to accomplish its mission.

c. Certain types of personal relationships between officers and enlisted personnel are prohibited. Prohibited relationships include—

(1) Ongoing business relationships between officers and enlisted personnel. This prohibition does not apply tolandlord/tenant relationships or to one-time transactions such as the sale of an automobile or house, but does apply to borrowing or lending money, commercial solicitation, and any other type of on-going financial or business relationship.Business relationships which exist at the time this policy becomes effective, and that were authorized under previously existing rules and regulations, are exempt until March 1, 2000. In the case of ARNG or United States Army Reservepersonnel, this prohibition does not apply to relationships that exist due to their civilian occupation or employment.

(2) Dating, shared living accommodations other than those directed by operational requirements, and intimate orsexual relationships between officers and enlisted personnel.

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Mark is a Retired Command Sergeant Major with 26 years of military leadership experience. He held 3 military occupational specialties (Field Artillery, Nuclear Weapons Tech, and Ammunition Ordnance). Mark is one of the leading military authors in the fields of leadership, counseling, and training.

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  • Auston Terry


    I have to disagree, provided that your relationship as roommates is landlord/tenant; as in he sublets from you. If he is in your CoC that clearly provides a situation in which the integrity of the CoC could be compromised even if not otherwise prohibited.

    But that’ just my reading.

    • Eck



      Officers and Enlisted are prohibited from sharing living quarters under any circumstances, unless directed by mission requirements. (Think downrange during a combat deployment.)

      The tenant/landlord exception does not apply to renting a room within the same living quarters. The exception applies when renting a house or apartment in its entirety. As in, an enlisted Soldier is PCSing overseas and rents his house in the US to an officer or vice versa. This is allowed.

      An officer cannot rent a room from an enlisted Soldier, or vice versa, if common areas, kitchen, living room, etc, are shared.

      “I am not an attorney. All opinions are my own and are not in any way to be interpreted or inferred as legal advice.”

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