Can a Soldier take an APFT while on profile if the profile is less than 90 days? | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Can a Soldier take an APFT while on profile if the profile is less than 90 days?

Can a Soldier take the Army Physical Fitness Test on a less than 90 day profile? What Army Regulation states this?

The comprehensive guide to the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)

IAW with FM 7-22 a Soldier must be given twice the length of the profile prior to taking a record APFT.

 Extract of FM 7-22

6-6. Soldiers recovering from injury, illness, or other medical conditions must train within the limits of their medical profiles (DA Form 3349 [Physical Profile]) and be afforded a minimum train-up period of twice the length of the profile. Prescribed train-up periods must not exceed 90 days before APFT administration or other unit physical readiness goal requirements according to AR 350-1.

So to answer your question a Soldier can only take a record APFT after they have received twice the length of their profile for recovery. The command could consider providing the Soldier a diagnostic APFT during the recovery peroid however they could risk causing injury to the Soldier by testing too soon so they should exercise caution if they choose to do this.


There may be a couple of options:

1. The Soldier could go back to the medical authority and request they provide a wavier that states they can take the APFT.

2. The Soldier and the Command could agree to allow the Soldier to test.

Note:  The danger in these options is that the Soldier could potentially injury themselves and  there is a possibility that the Soldier could fail the test.  If the Soldier fails the test they will be flagged IAW AR 600-8-2. If the Soldier is injured depending on how severe the injury is the Soldier could be discharged from service.

The best options is to simply take the test after the recovery period ends.

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Mark is a Retired Command Sergeant Major with 26 years of military leadership experience. He held 3 military occupational specialties (Field Artillery, Nuclear Weapons Tech, and Ammunition Ordnance). Mark is one of the leading military authors in the fields of leadership, counseling, and training.

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  • SSG Jenkins


    I was wondering does a temporary profile that is longer than 30 days stop a pcs movement? My pulhes on the profile has 113111.

    • Mark Gerecht


      SSG Jenkins,
      There is nothing that I know of that prevents a PCS move based on a Profile. If the issue is serious enough to warrant a deferment or deletion of orders your medical provider will have to provide a reason and that information will need to be processed through your S-1 to your assignment manager at HRC. For example let’s say that you are PCSing to an area that has limited medical facilities and the follow up care of therapy you require will not be available at your gaining unit. Another option would be that the injury is serious enough to delay or remove you from the assignment. Another option you have is to obtain a statement from your doctor and submit a 4187 requesting a deferment or deletion of orders based on the doctors statement.
      Hope this Helps!

  • beth


    I have an apft coming up in about a month. I got out of a 45 days temporary profile in Feb 20th so according to my doctor my recovery period is until May 20th However my sgt just informed me that i may have to take the apft coming april 20th due to the fact that I had a previous 30 days profile for the same injury before. is this true? do profiles and recovery periods stack up like that. I have been in and out of temporary profiles for this issue pretty much since ait and its not getting any better should I just request to be examined further?

    • Eck


      HI Beth, My understanding is that the recovery time (double length of profile, 90 day max recovery) begins at the end of your most recent profile. It does not matter if you have had a previous profile for the same condition. Your most recent profile takes precedence.

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