Can a 1SG, CSM, or SGM Provide Input Into My Evaluation Report Even If They Are Not In My Rating Chain? | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Can a 1SG, CSM, or SGM Provide Input Into My Evaluation Report Even If They Are Not In My Rating Chain?

Is there anywhere in the regulations that give the 1SG the authority for input on an evaluation even if they are not in the rating chain? if so where can I find it this information?

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Bottom line

Yes, if there are obvious inconsistencies or administrative errors. In addition there will be an undocumented review of completed NCOERs completed by a Senior NCO in the organization This undocumented review may be conducted by the 1SG if he deems it necessary. Paragraph 2-15f goes on to state An additional, yet undocumented, review of completed NCOERs should be done by the senior NCO in the organization to ensure oversight of NCOs’ performance.


In accordance with (IAW) AR 600-23 para 1-10 no person may require changes be made to an evaluation report…Members of the rating chain, S-1, administrative office, will point out obvious inconsistencies or administrative errors to the appropriate rating officials.

If the 1SG is in charge of the orderly room (Supervision) technically it is his job to point out inconsistencies or administrative errors.  He/She cannot force the rater/senior rater to change the evaluation report unless it is in violation of the regulation.

If for some reason the report is changed and it is inappropriate the supplementary reviewer can write a letter explaining what happened, for example: undue command influence.  This attachment will be filed with the evaluation.

If a 1SG is in a rating chain then the rules for a Supplementary Review apply.  See extract below.



Reference Extract

AR 600-23 para 1-10

  1. Except to comply with this regulation and DA Pam 623–3, no person may require changes be made to an evaluation report. Members of the rating chain, the BN/BDE S1 and/or servicing administrative office, or HQDA will point out obvious inconsistencies or administrative errors to the appropriate rating officials.

AR 600-23 para 2-82(a)

(2) Supplementary review requirement.

(a) A mandatory supplementary review is required for NCOERs when a senior rater within the rated NCOs rating chain includes an NCO in the rank of SFC through 1SG/MSG, warrant officers in the rank of WO1 through CW2, and Army officer in the rank of 2LT and 1LT. This supplementary review will be performed by a uniformed Army Soldier, senior to the senior rater within the rated NCO’s organization in the rank of SGM/CSM, CW3 through CW5, or CPT and above. This Army Soldier will be designated as a Uniformed Army Advisor. The Uniformed Army Advisor will monitor evaluation practices, and provide assistance and advice needed to rating officials (as required) on matters pertaining to Army evaluations. This Uniformed Army Advisor will be identified on the published rating scheme at the beginning of the evaluation period by the CDR establishing the rating chain.


AR 600-23 para 2-15f.

  1. An additional, yet undocumented, review of completed NCOERs should be done by the senior NCO in the organization to ensure oversight of NCOs’ performance.

AR 600-23 2–18a. Review of DA Form 2166–9 series (NCOER)

  1. Every NCOER should receive an undocumented reviewed by the 1SG, SGM, or CSM to ensure accountability of Soldiers’ NCOERs and to oversee the performance of junior NCOs. This is in addition to reviews required by designated supplementary reviewer in accordance with paragraph 2–15, when applicable.

AR 600-23 para 22-8 2(d)

(d) When a supplementary review is required for DA Form 2166–9 series, the Uniformed Army Advisor’s information will be entered in Part II, blocks c2, c3, and c7 of the NCOER. If the Uniformed Army Advisor determines the NCOER is accurate and comments are unnecessary, he or she will select “NO” in Part II, block c4 of the NCOER. If the Uniformed Army Advisor determines comments are necessary, he or she will select “YES” in Part II, block c4 of the NCOER and prepare an enclosure to the NCOER (see fig 2–1), and comment on the accuracy and clarity of the completed NCOER. Comments provided will not include evaluative statements about the rated NCO or statements that amplify, paraphrase, or endorse the ratings of the other members of the rating chain.

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Mark is a Retired Command Sergeant Major with 26 years of military leadership experience. He held 3 military occupational specialties (Field Artillery, Nuclear Weapons Tech, and Ammunition Ordnance). Mark is one of the leading military authors in the fields of leadership, counseling, and training.

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