Category SOPs | – Leader Development for Army Professionals


Foreign Language Pay SOP

Foreign Language Proficiency Pay SOP sets forth policies and procedures related to FLPB and FLPB payments. NOTE: This document is in MS Word format CLICK TO DOWNLOAD

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Field Casualty Operations SOP

The Field Casualty Operations SOP is to explain the policy, define responsibility, procedures and related activity for handling and notifications related to field casualties. Activities include: Receive casualty information from subordinate or attached unit (information may be received via casualty …Read More

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Family Readiness Group SOP

A family readiness group (FRG) is an organization of Family Members (both immediate and extended such as mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, etc.), Volunteers, and Soldiers, as well as others interested in the welfare of a service member (i.e., fiancees, retirees, …Read More

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Master Army Promotions Boards - App for iOS
The Evaluator - Army Evaluation & Counseling Guide

Evaluation-By-Email Attachment Program SOP

This program is designed to provide deployed units an alternate method of submitting evaluations to HQDA when they are unable to use AKO Forms or do not have access to digital signatures.  This is not designed as a means of …Read More

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Energy Conservation SOP

Energy Conservation has become a large issue in today’s Army.  It is the responsibility of every individual regardless of rank, title, or position to reduce their impact on energy use.  Each soldier, civilian, and contractor must be conscious of their …Read More

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Driver Training and Certification SOP

This is a Driver’s Training and Certification Standard Operating Procedure. It purpose is to standardize the vehicle operator’s training and licensing throughout the Company, define responsibilities for the design and conduct of the driver-training program, and define the procedures and …Read More

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The Mentor - A Comprehensive Guide to Army Counseling and Leadership
The comprehensive guide to the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)

Drill Sergeant School SOP (Drill Sergeant Leader Guide)

This is a Drill Sergeant School SOP (Drill Sergeant Leader Guide). The purpose of this SOP is to establish standard operating procedures within the Drill Sergeant School consistent with TRADOC Regulation 350-16 and the Drill Sergeant School Program of Instruction.  …Read More

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Staff Duty NCO Instructions for Completing DA Form 647 – Personnel Register SOP

This is a Staff Duty NCO Instructions for Completing DA Form 647 Personnel Register SOP. Instructions are given on how to complete DA Form 647 Personnel Register. Upon receipt of notification form personnel requesting to sign IN/OUT on leave (PCS, …Read More

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Counseling Program SOP

This is a Counseling Program Standard Operating Procedure. The purpose of this SOP is to explain the policy on developmental counseling within the Medical Company. Counseling is a basic responsibility of every leader and an important part of taking care of …Read More

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Computer Automation SOP

The Computer Automation SOP is to establish Directorate of Training policies, procedures, and doctrine pertaining to microcomputers and Unclassified Sensitive Level 2 (US2) data contained therein and to provide general and technical information. It is also to provide general and …Read More

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Communications Company Level SOP

This is a Communications Standard Operating Procedures. It is to establish policies and procedures that outline the responsibilities for the accountability, installation, operation, and maintenance of all communication electronic equipment within the Military Police Company.  The SINCGARS is the primary …Read More

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Combat Support Hospital SOP

This is a Combat Support Hospital Tactical Standing Operating Procedure (TACSOP). It is published to prescribe procedures in the conduct of tactical operations for all assigned or attached personnel. The TACSOP is designed to facilitate adaptability to any theater in …Read More

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