Category Field Manuals | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Field Manuals

FM 10-524 Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment Rigging Communications Shelters and Power Unit – Historical Copy Superseded by TM 4-48.25 Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment: Rigging Forklift Trucks; Whole Blood; Communication Shelters; Tracked Vehicles

This manual tells and shows how to rig the following items for low velocity airdrop from a C-130 or C-141 aircraft for Communications Shelters and Power Unit. This manual also tells and shows how to rig the following items for …Read More

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FM 10-522 Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment Rigging Potable Water

This manual give guidance and instruction for equipment rigging for various types of portable water and milk systems for low velocity and LAPE, as well as the use of different platforms for airdrop. NOTES: Some references listed in this doc might …Read More

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FM 10-500-45 Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment Rigging 120-Millimeter Mortars

This manual is designed to be used by all parachute riggers.  It tells and shows how to rig the 120-millimeter mortar in the trailer-mounted configuration with a 1 1/4 ton HMMWV-series truck for low velocity airdrop from a C-130, C-141, …Read More

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FM 10-500-29 Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment Rigging Heavy Antitank Assault Weapons System (TOW)

This manual tells and shows how to rig TOW weapons systems and missiles.  The TOW can be low velocity airdropped from C-5, C-17, C-130, and C-141 aircraft. NOTES: Some references listed in this doc might have been superseded and/or updated …Read More

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FM 10-450-4 Multiservice Helicopter Sling Load: Dual-Point Rigging Procedures Change 2 – Historical Copy Superseded by TM 4-48.10 Multiservice Helicopter Sling Load: Single-Point Load Rigging Procedures

This is Change 2 to FM 10-450-4 Only. It is not the complete manual. NOTES: FM 10-450-4 was superseded by FM 4-20.198 : FM 4-20.198 was superseded by TM 4-48.10 : This manual is one of a series of manuals for …Read More

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FM 10-450-4 Multiservice Helicopter Sling Load: Single-Point Load Rigging Procedures – Historical Copy Superseded by TM 4-48.10 Multiservice Helicopter Sling Load: Single-Point Load Rigging Procedures

All services participate in the sling load certification program. This manual includes standardized rigging procedures and other information from that program. It contain rigging procedures for single-point loads which have been certified for sling load. It contain rigging procedures which …Read More

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FM 3-21.8 The Infantry Rifle Platoon and Squad (Formally FM 7-8)

This field manual provides a doctrinal framework on how Infantry rifle platoons and squads fight. It also addresses rifle platoon and squad non-combat operations across the spectrum of conflict. Content discussions include principles, tactics, techniques, procedures, terms, and symbols that …Read More

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FM 3-21.5 Drill and Ceremonies (Formally FM 22-5) – Historical Copy superseded by TC 3-21.5 Drill and Ceremonies

This field manual provides guidance for Armywide uniformity in the conduct of drill and ceremonies. It includes methods of instructing drill, teaching techniques, individual and unit drill, manual of arms for infantry weapons, and various other aspects of basic drill …Read More

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This FM addresses military police (MP) maneuver and mobility support (MMS), area security (AS), internment and resettlement (I/R), law and order (L&O), and police intelligence operations (PIO) across the full spectrum of Army operations. Although this manual includes a discussion …Read More

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FM 3-19.17 Military Working Dogs – Historical Copy superseded by ATTP 3-39.34 Military Working Dogs

Military working dog (MWD) teams are employed in dynamic ways never before imagined. Today’s MWD team is a highly deployable capability that commanders have used around the world from Afghanistan to Africa and from the Balkans to Iraq. These specialized …Read More

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FM 3-19.15 Civil Disturbance Operations – Historical Copy superseded by ATP 3-39.33 Civil Disturbances

FM 3-19.15 addresses continental United States (CONUS) and outside continental United States (OCONUS) civil disturbance operations. Today, US forces are deployed on peacekeeping, peace enforcement, and humanitarian assistance operations worldwide. During these operations, US forces are often faced with unruly …Read More

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FM 3-19.13 Law Enforcement Investigations – Historical Copy superseded by ATP 3-39.12 – Law Enforcement Investigations

This field manual is a guide for military police, military police investigators (MPIs), and US Army Criminal Investigations Command (USACIDC) special agents operating in all levels of tactical and garrison environments. This manual makes no distinction between the various levels …Read More

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