Category References | – Leader Development for Army Professionals


FM 3-11 (Formally FM 3-100) Multiservice Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures For Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Defense Operations

This publication provides commanders and staffs a key reference for the planning and execution of service NBC defense operations. Further, within the overall concept of counterproliferation operations, it focuses on the passive defense component of counterproliferation. The target audience includes …Read More

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FM 3-09.70 Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for M109A6 Howitzer (Paladin) Operations

FM 3-09.70 is focused on Paladin-unique battalion, battery, platoon and section operations. It sets forth the doctrine pertaining to organization, equipment, command and control (C2), operations, and tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) for Paladin units. It establishes the duties and …Read More

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FM 3-09.31 (Formally FM 6-71) Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Fire Support for the Combined Arms Commander – Historical Copy superseded by TC 3-09.31 Fire Support Training for the Brigade Combat Team Commander

This publication is intended for you, the combined arms brigade or battalion commander, and your staffs to help you synchronize fires with your scheme of maneuver. Maneuver and fires must be synchronized and orchestrated by the combined arms commander to …Read More

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FM 3-09.22 (Formally FM 6-20-2) Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Corps Artillery, Division Artillery, and Field Artillery Brigade Operations – Historical Copy superseded by ATP 3-09.24 Techniques for the Fires Brigade

The purpose of this manual is to provide tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) for corps artilleries (corps artys), division artilleries (div artys), and field artillery (FA) brigades. It is intended as a general “how to” guide to assist in force …Read More

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FM 3-09.21 Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for the Field Artillery Battalion – (Formally FM 6-20-1)

This FM provides tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) for the commander and staff in field artillery (FA) battalions. The publication sets forth doctrine pertaining to organization, command and control (C2), operations, and TTP for the FA battalions. It establishes responsibilities …Read More

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FM 3-09.15 Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Field Artillery Meteorology

This publication provides the United States Army and United States Marine Corps (USMC) commanders, artillerymen, and meteorology (MET) crew members with tactics, techniques, and procedures for the employment of MET sections. This publication describes the equipment and tasks required to …Read More

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Army Uniform Tool
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FM 3-09.12 (Formally FM 6-121) Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Field Artillery Target Acquisition

This publication contains the doctrine, organization, tactics, techniques, and procedures required to manage field artillery target acquisition (TA) organizations, systems, personnel and equipment. It updates information formerly contained in FM 6-121 and incorporates emerging doctrine and information about targeting, the …Read More

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FM 3-07.31 Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Conducting Peace Operations

This document provides a single-source multi-Service tactics, techniques, and procedures (MTTP) publication that focuses on conducting peace operations (PO) at the tactical level of warfighting. It will serve as the focal point to guide the readers to existing tactics, techniques, and …Read More

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FM 3-07.1 Security Force Assistance – Historical Copy superseded by FM 3-22 Army Support to Security Cooperation

This FM is for security force assistance (SFA). It focuses on the brigade combat team (BCT) conducting SFA and advising foreign security forces. The two primary audiences for this manual are leaders in BCTs conducting SFA and Soldiers assigned as …Read More

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FM 3-07 presents overarching doctrinal guidance and direction for conducting stability operations, setting the foundation for developing other fundamentals and tactics, techniques, and procedures detailed in subordinate field manuals. It also provides operational guidance for commanders and trainers at all …Read More

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FM 3-06.11 (formally FM 90-10-1) Combined Arms Operations in Urban Terrain – Historical Copy superseded by ATTP 3-06.11 Combined Arms Operations in Urban Terrain

All major Army operations most likely include urban operations (UO) in the foreseeable future. There is a high probability that the US Army may be engaged by threat forces that are intermingled with the civilian population. Units using the tactics, …Read More

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This manual provides the analytical tools for evaluating an urban operation to determine if the operation is necessary for overall mission success. It also provides the means to understanding and determining the impacts of the urban environment on military operations …Read More

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