This regulation provides general policies and procedures for the rendition of salutes, honors, ceremonies, customs, and visits of courtesy. CLICK TO DOWNLOAD
This regulation provides general policies and procedures for the rendition of salutes, honors, ceremonies, customs, and visits of courtesy. CLICK TO DOWNLOAD
a. This regulation establishes responsibility and reporting procedures for implementation of the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. b. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act provides that no person in the United States shall, on the …Read More
This regulation prescribes the policy and responsibility of command, which includes readiness and resiliency of the force military and personal discipline and conduct, the Army Equal Opportunity Program, Prevention of Sexual Harassment, and the Army Sexual Assault Prevention and Response …Read More
This regulation covers Army policy and procedures governing private indebtedness of soldiers. It provides guidance for processing claims and forbids debt collectors from contacting commanders without prior consent of the debtor or without a court order. It also covers the …Read More
This regulation prescribes policy, procedures, responsibilities, and the position coding system for the assignment and utilization of female soldiers in the U.S. Army. The consolidation of guidance in a single regulation for clarity and ease of administration is not intended …Read More
This regulation sets Army policy and responsibilities on HIV testing and surveillance requirements; procedures for identification, surveillance, and administration of personnel infected with HIV; testing and counseling procedures for Soldiers and other military health care beneficiaries for HIV infection;requirements for …Read More
This regulation prescribes procedures for administering flying status for nonrated Army personnel who must perform frequent and regular aerial flight while performing their assigned duties. For an example, a soldier who is in an active duty status is required to …Read More
This regulation sets policies, responsibilities, and procedures for— a. Qualifying, disqualifying, and re-qualifying officers for aviation service. b. Establishing and adjusting aviation service entry dates. c. Awarding Army aeronautical ratings. d. Army implementation of the Aviation Career Incentive Pay laws. …Read More
This regulation— a. Establishes Army leadership policy and sets forth responsibilities for all aspects of leadership and leader development policy, doctrine, training, and research. b. Provides direction and guidance to the Center for Army Leadership through TRADOC/CAC for research, doctrine …Read More
This regulation provides policies and assigns responsibilities for initial notification, investigation, reporting, and submitting reports of parachute and airdrop load malfunctions/incidents. In addition, it standardizes Joint airdrop inspections, responsibilities and duties of the malfunction officer, malfunction/incident investigation procedures, and activity …Read More
This regulation governs the use of scheduled military airlift for Army-sponsored air eligible materiel shipments from the continental United States to overseas destinations by the Defense Transportation System. It does not apply to special assignment airlift missions by military or …Read More
This regulation prescribes policies, responsibilities, and procedures for the management, acquisition, and use of Army–owned, Army–leased, or otherwise controlled nontactical vehicles. This regulation implements DoDD 4500.36 and incorporates information for managing Commercial Design Vehicles.