Category References | – Leader Development for Army Professionals


Garnishments and Involuntary Allotments Legal Questions and Answers

This is a PDF format version of a Garnishments and Involuntary Allotments Legal Questions and Answers. The Questions answered are as follows: I am owed alimony and child support by a soldier and I have a court order of support. …Read More

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Garnishments and Involuntary Allotments Legal Questions and Answers

This is a PDF format version of a Garnishments and Involuntary Allotments Legal Questions and Answers. The Questions answered are as follows: May spousal support and/or child support be withheld from a servicemember’s pay in order to enforce a court …Read More

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Home Foreclosure and Vehicle Repossession Legal Questions and Answers

This is a PDF format version of a Home Foreclosure and Vehicle Repossession Legal Questions and Answers. The Questions answered are as follows: What is foreclosure? How far behind in mortgage payments can I be before my lender can initiate …Read More

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The Board Master - Army Promotion Board Study Guide
Battlefield Deception Guide - From Alexander the Great to Norman Schwarzkopf

Financial Liability Investigations of Property Loss (FLIPLs) Legal Questions and Answers

This is a PDF format version of a Financial Liability Investigations of Property Loss (FLIPLs) Legal Questions and Answers. The Questions answered are as follows: Could I be liable for lost, damaged, or destroyed property? Can I just sign a …Read More

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Financial Liability Officer Guide

This Guide is intended to assist you in conducting a timely, thorough, and legally sufficient investigation of property loss. It is based on the 28 February 2005 edition of AR 735-5, Property Accountability: Policies and Procedures for Property Accountability. Use …Read More

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Felonies, Domestic Violence, and the Lautenberg Amendment affecting Arms and Ammunition Legal Memorandum

This document has legal advice concerning felonies, domestic violence, arms and ammunition and he Lautenberg Amendment has on them. NOTE: This document is in PDF format

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Award Quick: Army Award Writing Software
Wear it Right! Army Uniform Tool

Evaluation Reports and Appeals Legal Questions and Answers

The questions answered are as follows: What is the army evaluation reporting system? What are the applicable army regulations (ARs)? What is a rating chain? What is the purpose of a commander’s inquiry? What is the appeals process? I have …Read More

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Estate Planning Questionnaire

Estate planning has a lasting effect on you and your family. What you do now affects what they may have after you die. Your plan may include one or more of these: Will; Advance Medical Directive (“living will”); Durable Power …Read More

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Uniformed Services Former Spouses’ Protection Act Dividing Military Retired Pay Garnishment Operations

The Uniformed Services Former Spouses’ Protection Act (USFSPA) was passed by Congress in 1982. The USFSPA gives a State court the authority to treat military retired pay as marital property and divide it between the spouses. With the passage of …Read More

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Demobilization Legal Information Packet

Topics covered are as follows: Uniformed Services Employment/Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) Sample USERRA Letter Servicemembers’ Civil Relief Act (SCRA) Tax Matters for Deployed Soldiers Other Legal Information for Deployed Soldiers NOTE: This document is in PDF format

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Debt Complaints Against Soldiers Legal Questions and Answers

Consider these questions and answers to help you determine your rights regarding debt complaints. The Questions answered are as follows: What debts are covered? Who is a debt collector? How may a debt collector contact me? Can I stop a …Read More

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DA Bars to Reenlistment Under the QMP Legal Questions and Answers

Consider these questions and answers to help you determine your rights under DA’s Qualitative Management Program. The Questions answered are as follows: What is a bar to reenlistment? What is the difference between local bars and DA bars? What is …Read More

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