Category Pamphlets | – Leader Development for Army Professionals


EP 690-2-3 Guidelines for the Career Development of Geotechnical Engineers

Purpose: a. The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) must continue to develop and maintain a highly-trained and experienced geotechnical staff to support the engineering activities associated with the civil works program. The guidance in this pamphlet describes the experience, …Read More

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EP 690-2-2 Career Development Guide for Civil Works Natural ResourcesManagement Team Members

Purpose: a. This pamphlet is designed to provide guidance to proactive Natural Resources Management (NRM) team members in designing a path that can help lead to achieving long-term career goals or higher-level positions.  There is no guarantee that the use …Read More

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EP 690-2- 1 You The Corps and The Future Employment Options Upon Reorganization

Forward: The reorganization of the Corps of Engineers is creating some uncertainty about the future for many of our Corps members.  We have prepared this handbook to help you understand your employment options and entitlements if your ob is affected …Read More

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Award Quick: Army Award Writing Software
Wear it Right! Army Uniform Guide

EP 690-1-808 Training and Career Development Plans for Intern and Intermediate Level Architects

Purpose: This Engineer Pamphlet (EP) provides policy, guidance, and procedures concerning the development of training and career development plans for intern and intermediate level personnel in the occupational series of GS-0808-Architecture (architects) within the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).

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EP 690-1-807 Training and Career Development Plans for Landscape Architects

Purpose. This pamphlet provides, guidance, and procedures concerning the development of training and career development plans for personnel in the occupational series of GS-0807- Landscape Architecture (landscape architects) within the U.S. Army Corps of  Engineers (USACE).

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EP 690-1-700 Logistics Training, Education, and Development System (LOGTEDS)

PURPOSE: This is a guide for Logistics Management personnel and their supervisors, activity career program managers, and major command career program managers. It spells out the training and developmental assignments required and desirable for a successful logistics career, that may …Read More

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Army Uniform Tool
Counsel Quick - Army Counseling Software

EP 690-1-11 WR Mission Area Supplement – Water Resources

Command-wide Recruitment and Outreach Materials MISSION AREA SUPPLEMENT – WATER RESOURCES The original civil mission of the Corps of Engineers was to provide support to navigation.  Where it exists, water transportation is cheapest mode of shipment for commodities such as …Read More

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EP 690-1-11 RP Mission Area Supplement – Recreation and Park Management

Command-wide Recruitment and Outreach Materials MISSION AREA SUPPLEMENT – RECREATION AND PARK MANAGEMENT The Corps of Engineers is responsible for the stewardship of 11.7 million acres of federal land and water located at more than 460 water resources projects in …Read More

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EP 690-1-11 RD Mission Area Supplement – Research and Development

Command-wide Recruitment and Outreach Materials Mission Area Supplement – Research and Development Success stories from the Corps’ four major laboratories provide vivid proof of the Corps’ research and development goal: to provide real answers to real problems through research, development, …Read More

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EP 690-1-11 NR Mission Area Supplement – Natural Resources Management & Regulation

Command-wide Recruitment and Outreach Materials MISSION AREA SUPPLEMENT – NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT & REGULATION The Corps Natural Resources Management mission is to manage, conserve, and provide stewardship for 11.7 million acres of federal land and water while providing quality public …Read More

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EP 690-1-11 DR Mission Area Supplement – Disaster Relief

Command-wide Recruitment and Outreach Materials MISSION AREA SUPPLEMENT – DISASTER RELIEF Since the early days of this nation’s history, Americans have looked to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for assistance in preventing and reducing damage and recovering from natural …Read More

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EP 690-1-11 Command-Wide Recruitment and Outreach Materials (Transmittal Letter)

Civilian Personnel COMMAND-WIDE RECRUITMENT AND OUTREACH MATERIALS PURPOSE. This Recruitment Portfolio contains information designed to be used by Corps personnel in support of recruitment and outreach activities.

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