Purpose and Scope: This EM establishes criteria and guidance for landfill off-gas collection and treatment systems. CLICK TO DOWNLOAD
Purpose and Scope: This EM establishes criteria and guidance for landfill off-gas collection and treatment systems. CLICK TO DOWNLOAD
Errata Sheet No. 1 Engineering and Design IN-SITU THERMAL REMEDIATION EM 1110-1-4015 28 August 2009 Paragraph The last four sentences of Paragraph are hereby changed as contained in this Errata.
Purpose: Chemical precipitation is the most common technique used for treatment of metal-contaminated waters (Patterson and Minear 1975, EPA 625/8-80-003, EPA 600/8-80-042c, Peters et al. 1985, Patterson 1988). Chemical precipitation of heavy metals has long been used as the primary …Read More
Purpose: This engineer manual transmits a document which describes CQA inspection requirements for hazardous waste landfill covers and liners. The appendix of this document is a template for landfill CQA plans to assist designers in incorporating the important aspects of …Read More
Purpose. This Engineer Manual (EM) is intended to provide detailed guidance on all phases of remediation projects involving Multi-phase Extraction (MPE). This includes guidance on (1) the appropriate site characterization and pilot studies for MPE; (2) appropriate considerations in screening …Read More
ERRATA SHEET No. 3 Engineering and Design MILITARY MUNITIONS RESPONSE ACTIONS EM 1110-1-4009 15 June 2007 Pending the next update to EM 1110-1-4009, the included paragraphs in Chapter 7, Section 7-5a, sub-section are changed as indicated (underlined text is new …Read More
ERRATA SHEET No. 3 Engineering and Design MILITARY MUNITIONS RESPONSE ACTIONS EM 1110-1-4009 15 June 2007 Pending the next update to EM 1110-1-4009, the included changes to the document are to be implemented.
ERRATA SHEET No. 2 Engineering and Design MILITARY MUNITIONS RESPONSE ACTIONS EM 1110-1-4009 15 June 2007 Pending the next update to EM 1110-1-4009, paragraph 14-1(f) is added.
ERRATA SHEET No. 1 Engineering and Design MILITARY MUNITIONS RESPONSE ACTIONS EM 1110-1-4009 15 June 2007 Pending the next update to EM 1110-1-4009, paragraph 11-7 is changed.
Purpose: This manual provides the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) personnel with the procedures to be used to perform engineering and design activities for all phases of the Military Munitions Response Program (MMRP).