Category Engineering | – Leader Development for Army Professionals


ER 385-1-40 Occupational Health Program

Purpose:  This regulation prescribes policies, outlines responsibilities, and provides procedures for the development and execution of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Occupational Health (OH) Program. This document supersedes USACE Engineering Regulation (ER) 385-1-40, dated 28 July 1980. CLICK …Read More

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ER 385-1-31 The Control of Hazardous Energy

Purpose:  To establish consistent procedures and criteria for the safe and reliable control of hazardous energy at USACE operated facilities with full implementation as is practical, but within no longer than two years from the date of this regulation only …Read More

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ER 380-1-18 Technology Transfer Disclosure of Information and Contacts with Foreign Representatives

Purpose:  The purpose of this regulation is to establish security policy, responsibility, and guidance for control of foreign visitors during visits to Corps’ facilities, foreign participation in unclassified contracts, foreign liaison officers and/or exchange officers, and the release of USACE …Read More

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ER 37-5-3 EPA Corps Superfund Program – Financial Closeout of IAG

Purpose:  This regulation provides general policy and guidance for establishing procedures governing the financial closeout of Site-Specific Interagency Agreements (IAs), Generic IAs, and Site-Specific Work Authorization Forms (WAFs) issued by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to the U.S. Army …Read More

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ER 37-345-10 Accounting and Reporting – Military Activities CH 1-52

Purpose:  The Accounting Principles and Standards contained in ER 37-2-10, Chapter 1, are applicable to this regulation and incorporated herein by reference in lieu of reprinting. The purpose of this regulation is to describe the system used in accounting for …Read More

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ER 37-3-22 Financial Administration – Carryover Supervision and Administration S and A

Purpose:  This regulation promulgates policy and procedures by which U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) activities will perform some reimbursable work under the “Carryover S&A Authority”.  This authority is enacted as a recurring general provision in the annual Department of …Read More

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ER 37-2-18 Collection of Project Funds for Operation of Hydrologic Programs

Purpose:  This regulation establishes policy and discusses management of funds for financing the Cooperative Reporting Network Program conducted by the National Weather Service and the Cooperative Stream Gaging Program conducted by the US Geological Survey. The regulation discusses the method …Read More

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ER 37-2-16 Corps of Engineers Civil – Apportionment RCS CERM-B-4

Purpose: This regulation assigns administrative responsibilities for the apportionment of Army civil works funds. Also, it provides instructions for preparation and submission of apportionment schedules.

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ER 37-2-15 Civil Works Appropriations Budget Supporting Data RCS CERM-B-13

Purpose:  This regulation assigns responsibilities and provides instructions for preparation and submission of civil budget supporting data for civil works appropriations and allocation accounts (transfer appropriations).

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ER 37-1-31 Financial Administration – Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Executing Operations

Purpose:  This memorandum establishes the policies, responsibilities and basic procedures for the management of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) resources (Executive Direction and Management & Operation and Maintenance, Army) (ED&M & OMA).  Resources include all funds and all manpower …Read More

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ER 37-1-31 Financial Administration – Planning Programming Budgeting and Executing Operations

Purpose:  This memorandum establishes the policies, responsibilities and basic procedures for the management of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) resources (Executive Direction and Management & Operation and Maintenance, Army) (ED&M & OMA).  Resources include all funds and all manpower …Read More

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ER 37-1-29 Financial Management of Capital Investments with Change 1

Purpose:  This regulation defines the policies and procedures for management of capital assets obtained by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers used in providing goods or services.  It prescribes the procedures for programming, budgeting, allocating funds, utilization, calculation of costs …Read More

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