Purpose: The purpose of this manual is to provide guidance for computing basin snowmelt runoff as is necessary in the design and operation of USACE water control projects. CLICK TO DOWNLOAD
Purpose: The purpose of this manual is to provide guidance for computing basin snowmelt runoff as is necessary in the design and operation of USACE water control projects. CLICK TO DOWNLOAD
Purpose: The purpose of this manual is to provide historical and forecasted cost indexes for use in escalating civil works projects costs.
Purpose: The purpose of this manual is to incorporate environmental considerations into the planning, engineering, design, construction, operation, and maintenance of small boat basins. Much of this guidance is general in nature with many references to appropriate Corps manuals and …Read More
Purpose: This manual provides guidance for incorporating environmental considerations in the planning, engineering, design, and construction of flood control channels, levees, and associated structures.
Purpose. The purpose of this manual is to provide guidance in environmental engineering for coastal shore protection projects.
Purpose: This manual provided guidance for incorporating environmental considerations in the planning, engineering and design, as well as, construction, operation and maintenance of deep-draft navigation projects.
Purpose: This manual provides guidance for the assessment of reservoir water quality conditions, including reservoir pool, releases and tailwaters.
Purpose: This manual provides technical guidance for performing precise structural deformation surveys of locks, dams, and other hydraulic flood control or navigation structures. Accuracy, procedural, and quality control standards are defined for monitoring displacements in hydraulic structures.
Purpose: This manual provides design guidelines that will aid U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Districts and Divisions in the selection of remedial actions at uncontrolled hazardous waste sites. These guidelines are to be used in support of the Department of …Read More
Purpose and Scope: This EM establishes criteria and guidance for landfill off-gas collection and treatment systems.
Errata Sheet No. 1 Engineering and Design IN-SITU THERMAL REMEDIATION EM 1110-1-4015 28 August 2009 Paragraph The last four sentences of Paragraph are hereby changed as contained in this Errata.
Purpose: Chemical precipitation is the most common technique used for treatment of metal-contaminated waters (Patterson and Minear 1975, EPA 625/8-80-003, EPA 600/8-80-042c, Peters et al. 1985, Patterson 1988). Chemical precipitation of heavy metals has long been used as the primary …Read More