Category Counseling | – Leader Development for Army Professionals


Reprimand and Admonition Handbook Military Justice Section

Administrative reprimands and admonitions are management tools available to commanders, supervisors and other superiors to reprove and correct subordinates for their departure (on- or off-duty) from norms of performance, conduct, bearing, behavior or integrity. They should be used when it …Read More

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Supervisors Guide to Admonitions and Reprimands

The following guide was developed to provide general information and guidance in the proper documentation of admonitions and reprimands.Included among the various tools available to help supervisors meet their responsibility for maintaining Air Force standards and accomplishing the Air Force …Read More

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OPR, EPR, and PRF Writing Guide

Documents such as officer performance reports (OPR), enlisted performance reports (EPR), and promotion recommendation forms (PRF) are used in promotion boards, professional military education (PME) selections, selective early retirement boards (SERB), reductions in force (RIF), command and special duty selections, …Read More

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Award Quick: Army Award Writing Software
Get Tabbed - How to Graduated Army Ranger School