Philip | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

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Leader’s guide to post-Article 15 action

The focus is on Soldiers. But the same principles apply to Sailors, Marines, Airmen, and Coast Guardsmen. 1. Basics. A Soldier has two choices (assuming not embarked in a vessel): accept or not accept Article 15 as a way to …Read More

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Political CANs and CANNOTs for Soldiers during a presidential election year

Now that we are through the holiday season and charging forward towards Spring we face 2012, a presidential election year. That potentially spells problems for military personnel (active, Guard, Reserve, or retired) who want to be involved in the political …Read More

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Soldier Decisions and Recourse during Article 15 proceedings

What happens after the decision has been made to pursue Article 15 action? The following general advice is written primarily for Soldiers facing Article 15 punishment and leaders who have subordinates undergoing an Article 15. The focus is on Soldiers, but …Read More

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The comprehensive guide to the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)
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