Lee Kind | AskTOP.net – Leader Development for Army Professionals

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Will lifting weight help me on my PT test?

Will lifting weight help me on my PT test? Yes and no. If you are lifting heavy weights in low reps, it won’t help you at all. In fact, if that is the only way you are lifting weights, you …Read More

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Should I invest in a good pair of running shoes?

Should I invest in a good pair of running shoes? Yes! Don’t purchase just any old shoes. Shoes make a difference. Invest in a good pair if for no other reason than to protect your knees and ankles from arthritis …Read More

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I have been exercising and now I have a painful bump in my arm pit. What is it, how did I get it, and what do I stop exercising?

At some time or another, the majority of people get that painful, red mass in one or both of their arm pits. This is called an abscess and it came about because a sweat gland got blocked or it is …Read More

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Master Army Promotions Boards - App for iOS
The comprehensive guide to the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)

I maxed out my push-ups, sit-ups, but on the run I cramped up and I ended up being a PT failure! What can I do?

I want to get in great shape, but I don’t want to work at it.

My knees swell up after I run or perform other exercises, what should I do?

Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide
Company Command: The Bottom Line - Army Leadership Guide

I see a lot of people doing bouncing and jumping exercises, should they be a staple of my routine?

Push-up prep

When performing push-ups in practice, ensure your arms go below the parallel position to prevent test day grading surprises.

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Preventive maintenance day before PT test

Check your running shoes the day prior to make sure the laces are good (If not, replace them.). On test day, firmly lace your shoes to where comfortable, but not too tight, and double knot tie the laces to prevent …Read More

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Maximize periods of rest between APFT events

Take full advantage of rest periods between PT test events to improve overall test score. Every bit helps. FM 7-22 states on page A-1, Section A.2 “Soldiers are allowed a minimum of 10 minutes and a maximum of 20 minutes …Read More

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PMCS your Running Shoes prior to the APFT

Check your running shoes the day prior to make sure the laces are good (If not, replace them.). On test day, firmly lace your shoes to where comfortable, but not too tight, and double knot tie the laces to prevent …Read More

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Should I eat sweets before a PT Test?

Do not eat a candy bar or other sugary foods before a PT test. They will rob you of needed energy by the time you get to your run portion of the test.

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