Chris Miller | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

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I need help writing a tactical standard operating procedure (TACSOP) for our upcoming pre-mission training cycle ASAP!

There is no official format for SOPs, and many units use many different formats. ATP 3-90.90, Army Tactical Standard Operating Procedures, ” (link below) provides instruction on the development of standard operating procedures (SOPs) in order to enhance efficiency and …Read More

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Is it true the Army revised the Noncommissioned Officer Guide?

Yes, this information is correct. The Army released the newly revised TC 7-22.7 (01 January 2020), The Noncommissioned Officer Guide, and is available for download and ordering through the Army Publishing Directorate at the following link. Approved by the Army …Read More

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Noncommissioned Officer Leader Evolutionary Leaps from 1775 to Present

The leadership of Noncommissioned Officers (NCO) evolved immensely since the birth of the Continental Army in 1775. Commanders charge subordinates with carrying out orders with minimal oversight. The empowerment of subordinates without micromanagement is only possible when trust is amid the leader-subordinate …Read More

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Army Counseling Software - Include over 250 Army Counseling Examples