Is it true the Army revised the Noncommissioned Officer Guide? | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Is it true the Army revised the Noncommissioned Officer Guide?

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Yes, this information is correct. The Army released the newly revised TC 7-22.7 (01 January 2020), The Noncommissioned Officer Guide, and is available for download and ordering through the Army Publishing Directorate at the following link. Approved by the Army and revised by the NCO Leadership Center of Excellence, the new NCO Guide includes an updated History of the NCO – Evolution of the NCO Corps, introduction and description of the NCO Common Core Competencies (NCO C3), an explanation of CPL-SMA roles and responsibilities, the fundamentals of Leadership – BE, KNOW, DO; Core Competencies and Attributes, and Leadership styles, training – The Army Operations Process along with Principles of Training, and the approved Change of Responsibility script. These are just a few of the updates found in the new NCO Guide.

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Chris Miller is an active-duty Master Sergeant and has served in the Army for 20 years. Chris has served stateside as well as overseas. Chris holds a Bachelor of Science in Emergency and Disaster Management, a Graduate Certificate in Project Management, and a Master of Arts in Strategic Security Studies. Chris loves to mentor and believes mentors should be available to listen, motivate, inspire, and above all, provide a push in the right direction.

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