Can I keep my Corporal stripes when I PCS to a new unit? | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Can I keep my Corporal stripes when I PCS to a new unit?

Counsel Quick - Army Counseling Software

Yes, you can keep your CPL stripes as long as you:

  1. Meet all regulatory requirements.
  2. And the gaining promotion authority desires you to remain in the rank of Corporal.

Specifically, AR 600-8-19 states;

7–11. Lateral appointments

a. The AG may retain or specify which authorities listed in paragraph 7–3 will laterally appoint Soldiers.

b. All lateral appointments may be issued on a DA Form 4187 or order format 304.

c. A SPC will be appointed to CPL when the Soldier is assigned and works in a SGT position. The position must be the

Soldier’s PMOS or CPMOS. This includes SPC who cannot otherwise be promoted when they do not meet the TIS requirement, or were not considered for promotion.

d. Soldiers will normally retain the rank of CPL and perform the duties of an NCO; however, the appointment authority may laterally appoint CPL to SPC without the individual’s consent for:

(1) Demonstrated inefficiency in technical, supervisory, or other requirements of the MOS.

(2) Significant loss of qualifications, including medical inability to perform the duties of CPL in that MOS as required in DA Pam 611–21.

(3) Disciplinary action under UCMJ, criminal convictions or similar State law that adversely affects the Soldier’s ability to perform the duties of a CPL.

(4) Upon removal from the SGT position

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Mark is a Retired Command Sergeant Major with 26 years of military leadership experience. He held 3 military occupational specialties (Field Artillery, Nuclear Weapons Tech, and Ammunition Ordnance). Mark is one of the leading military authors in the fields of leadership, counseling, and training.

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