Can a Commander conduct a weigh in while deployed? | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Can a Commander conduct a weigh in while deployed?

The Evaluator - Army Evaluation & Counseling Guide

This response is provide based on the information you provided. You should not use this content as the sole source in making your decision. Seek guidance from your chain of command, JAG, IG., or other appropriate agency.  Do your own research. Then make an informed decision.

There is nothing that prevents a Commander from conducting a weigh in while deployed.  However, the scale must be calibrated annually.  The calibration of the scale is important as it can be out of calibration due to shipment from home station to the deployed location.

See AR 600-2 Appendix B B-2(2)b. Which states:

……. Scales used for weight measurement will be calibrated annually for accuracy…..

AR 600-9 also states:

Appendix B, B-2b(3)c. Scales used for weight measurement will be calibrated annually. The word “calibrated”, is intended to ensure the personnel weight scales used at the unit level for height and weight measurements have been verified for accuracy. It is not intended to require that unit scales be calibrated by test, measurement, and diagnostic equipment personnel or biomedical technicians. Accuracy of scales will be verified by unit personnel that will be performing the height/weight screening. This may be verified by using the tare (zero) function (if available), by following the scale manufacturer’s instructions for ensuring accuracy, or by using an object of fixed known weight.

While calibrating the scale: ….. Appendix B, B-2 c(4) If the reading differs from the known weight of the object being weighed and the scale does not have a calibration feature the scale should not be used to determine Soldier compliance with this regulation.

While calibrating the scale: ….. Appendix B, B-2 c(4) (5) Once accuracy of scale has been verified, affix a label to the scale with name, date, and signature of the individual verifying the accuracy of the scale. The unit commander will also sign as a witness.

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Mark is a Retired Command Sergeant Major with 26 years of military leadership experience. He held 3 military occupational specialties (Field Artillery, Nuclear Weapons Tech, and Ammunition Ordnance). Mark is one of the leading military authors in the fields of leadership, counseling, and training.

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