Can my Commadner force me to do Corrective PT, Extra PT because I did not make a 270 on my APFT but passed my APFT? | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Can my Commadner force me to do Corrective PT, Extra PT because I did not make a 270 on my APFT but passed my APFT?

Can my Commander force Soldiers to do additional PT and force them to come in on weekends because they did not score a 270 or higher, even though they all have passing pt scores

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 Based on the information you provided “NO”.  He cannot do this.  He does have a little room to move but very litte.

 AR 350-1 Appendix Ga(2) specifically states:

 Commanders may establish unit APFT mission related goals which exceed Army minimum standards. However,individuals must be aware of these goals and be able to achieve them safely through the use of normal training time and adherence to the principles of conditioning outlined in FM 21–20. Personnel who meet Army minimum standards,

but fail to meet unit goals, may not be punished or disciplined. However, they may be required to participate in special conditioning programs which focus on overcoming a weakness. Commanders who establish higher goals should do so because their unit missions require Soldiers to be more than minimally fit. Like-units with identical missions (companies within battalions, battalions within brigades) should have similar standards. Care must be taken by the chain of command to ensure unit goals do not arbitrarily replace Army standards.

 Consider a professional discussion with the chain of command.  Make sure you are factual, unemotional, calm, and professional.  If this avenue fails consider using your chain of command up and through your BDE level.  If this does not work you may consider filing an IG complaint or an ARTICLE 138 complaint against your commander or commanders (CO, BN, BDE, etc).  The bottom up approach done in a professional manner is the best approach.

Look at the issue from your commanders point of view.  He just wants to ensure his Soldiers are physically fit.  He probably does not even know about the regulation I just provided.  Typically if done in a professional manner the issue will be quickly resolved.

 You might find this Article useful:   What is an Article 138?  Link: 

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Mark is a Retired Command Sergeant Major with 26 years of military leadership experience. He held 3 military occupational specialties (Field Artillery, Nuclear Weapons Tech, and Ammunition Ordnance). Mark is one of the leading military authors in the fields of leadership, counseling, and training.

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