Sexual Assault Policy and Standing Operating Procedures (SOP) | – Leader Development for Army Professionals

Sexual Assault Policy and Standing Operating Procedures (SOP)

The comprehensive guide to the Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)

This is a sexual assault policy and standing operating procedures. It can be used as an example of how to write a sexual assault policy and standing operating procedures (SOP).

  • This and SOP on sexual assault is as follows:
  • Sexual assault is a crime that demeans the value of others and erodes the basic foundation of trust so vital to the success of every military mission. As a result, 420th Engineer Brigade will do everything possible to prevent sexual assault, to include the effective implementation of the Army’s Sexual Assault and Prevention and Response Program (SAPRP), and to ensure offenders are prosecuted to the fullest extent allowed under either civilian or military law.
  • The commander’s role in preventing sexual assault is to establish a climate that confronts the beliefs and values that cause and reinforce sexual assault, to establish clear standards for personal behavior, and hold offenders accountable. As leaders, commanders must be keenly aware of and sensitive to the climate of their units. Commanders must continuously educate their Soldiers on how to prevent incidents of sexual assault while encouraging victims and witnesses to report these incidents when they occur. Leaders must also be aware that Soldiers who are sexually assaulted are physically, mentally, and emotionally traumatized and wounded. A wounded Soldier must never be left on the battlefield.
  • Commanders shall immediately report all actual, suspected, or alleged sexual assaults to the Sexual Assault Response Coordinator, the nearest CID field office, 420th Engineer Brigade Staff Judge Advocate (SJA) and local civilian police authorities. If an investigation determines cause, commanders shall hold individuals accountable for their actions.
  • The Brigade will use training, education, and awareness to prevent sexual assault, promote the sensitive handling of victims of sexual assault and reinforce Soldier commitment to Army Values and the Warrior Ethos. Commanders shall ensure that all service members within their units are familiar with this policy, and that the unit commander’s sexual assault policy is prominently displayed in their common areas.
  • Commanders will ensure that all Soldiers and civilian employees within their commands are familiar with the OCAR, TEC, Brigade and unit commander’s Sexual Assault Policy and that these policies are prominently displayed in their common areas.
  • Soldiers shall receive at least one hour of Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness training annually. The Brigade SJA in conjunction with the Sexual Assault Response Coordinators shall use training, education, and awareness to:
  1. Prevent sexual assault.
  2. Promote the sensitive handling of victims of sexual assault.
  3. Offer confidential counseling.
  4. Hold those who commit sexual assault offenses accountable.
  5. Reinforce a commitment to Army Values.
  6. Ensure all Soldiers work to prevent sexual assault from occurring.
  • This policy is not intended to, and does not create any entitlement, cause of action, or defense in favor of any person arising out of a failure to accord a victim the assistance outlined below. No limitations are placed on the lawful prerogatives of the Command or its officials.

NOTE: This document is in MS Word format


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